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Inserting victor airways

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compasst View Drop Down
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    Posted: 31 May 2015 at 6:53am
While on a flight from KPOV to KLZU, ATC gave me a routing change: direct HRS Victor 463 Victor 222 LOGEN direct. I was unable to enter the victors into my current flight plan. Using FlyQ on my iPad, I created the routing and then determined the intersections and entered those into the IFD540 current flight plan. Later on the ground, I used the simulator and observed that I can only enter victors in a route. Is this an intentional limitation?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote idmpilot Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 8:09am
this is great question.ifd can handle it with a little tweaking .first enter kpov-klzu.add wpt hrs.given choice v463 add.only given 2 exit choices choose womac.(use procedure preview in trip taylors webinar to do this by first  choosing kpov-hrs-logan-klzu then seeing that v463 hooks to v222 via womack)next choose v222.exit logan.voolah!! of course this is much easier to practice in living room without atlanta center pressuring you. j.george
j george
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote oskrypuch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 10:17am
Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

While on a flight from KPOV to KLZU, ATC gave me a routing change: direct HRS Victor 463 Victor 222 LOGEN direct. I was unable to enter the victors into my current flight plan. Using FlyQ on my iPad, I created the routing and then determined the intersections and entered those into the IFD540 current flight plan. Later on the ground, I used the simulator and observed that I can only enter victors in a route. Is this an intentional limitation?

That is a limitation of all GPS navigators, currently. They are waypoint driven, and won't auto-create an intersection at two airways. But, doing so, is one of my feature requests, hope it is logged.

If the LO shows no intersection at that point (unlike here), then you would normally have to create a user waypoint at the intersection. Not too hard, a LO will give you a distance and radial from a VOR, but it takes a bit of time.

There is also another very clever (and faster) way to do this, although it takes a bit of vigilance and manual intervention as you approach the intersection of the two airways. Say you are cleared:

ALB V91 V270 CTR

V91 / V270 intersect between CIRRU & BOWAN on V91, and between ATHOS & HIDAL on V2. There is no charted waypoint at that intersection.

You input in the GPS the following:


If left to its own, that would take you past V270, on V91, on a dog-ear sort of route, and then loop back to V270. To fly the cleared route, you would watch the moving map, and as you near V270, while still on V91, you activate the ATHOS HIDAL leg. You then leave V91 & follow V270 to HIDAL and CTR. Done.

You could also OBS FROM on the GPS, from one VOR, and then quickly switch to an OBS TO on the other one, but the above is a little less prone to error.

Of course, you could just fly the VORs too!

This is useful in SoCal and NY/BOS where many TEC routes have airway to airway routings, with no charted intersecting waypoints. I suspect such will become fewer and fewer, as we continue into the RNav world.

* Orest

Edited by oskrypuch - 31 May 2015 at 10:38am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote compasst Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 12:07pm
anks for the great responses. I was able to easily do the routing while in ROUTE mode where Victor airways are in the dropdown.I do not see a way to do this to a current FPL because victor airways are not present in the dropdown list. Am I correct? I f true,why are victors not available in FPL mode?
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mfb View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mfb Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 12:21pm

This one isn't too bad because, unlike the scenario presented by Orest, there actually is an named waypoint at the intersection of V463 and V222. That gives you a convenient "on ramp" and "off ramp" to the airways.

Assuming that you are flying direct to KLZU when the new clearance is received, the procedure would be the following:

1) Press the Direct button and go direct to HRS. That will get you started on your way and will make ATC happy.

2) Bring up the FMS FPL page. You will see that HRS has been added as a waypoint and that there's a "gap" in the flight plan between HRS and KLZU. We need to fix this.

3) Select the magenta line between HRS and the gap. A pop-up will appear. Scroll to the bottom and find V463. Select it and press Enter. That gives you your "on ramp" to V463.

4) Another pop-up will appear. It wants to know where you want to get off V463. Select WOMAC and press enter.

5) Now we need to add the next waypoint, LOGEN. We could use the same procedure to add V222 after WOMAC, but the chart shows that direct LOGEN after WOMAC will give us the same thing. Select the magenta line under WOMAC and add the waypoint LOGEN to the flight plan.

6) Almost done. Now we have to get rid of the gap. Select it, then use the bottom Line Select key on the left side of the IFD540 to connect LOGEN and KLZU. Done

I'm sure that there are other ways to do this, but this one is fairly straightforward. The main thing is to fly the airplane first, get it going in the right direction, then worry about programming. Fall back on old fashioned VOR navigation if necessary. It can be done. Or, if things are happening way too fast, ask for a vector while you get sorted out.

If there's no named waypoint at the intersection, I think the easiest thing to do would be to create your own waypoint there, based on radial/distance numbers from the chart. It's easy to do once you practice a little. Then you have to build a flight plan that incorporates the new waypoint. That's going to be a pain because the your waypoint isn't really part of the airway. You'll have to get off the airway at a real waypoint, go to your new waypoint, and then get back on the next airway at another airway waypoint. All this is best done on the ground if you can get the clearance beforehand.

Hope this helps.


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote oskrypuch Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 12:24pm
Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

... I was able to easily do the routing while in ROUTE mode where Victor airways are in the dropdown.I do not see a way to do this to a current FPL because victor airways are not present in the dropdown list. Am I correct?

No, you are not. Scroll down! When the waypoint is an airport, you can see approaches and such listed as well, at the top of the list.

They are most definitely there, but last in the list. And when selecting them in the FPL page, you will see the map draw them for you. This is one of the coolest, and most powerful, IFD functions.

If you still don't see it, have a look at this video:

Yes, it has been requested to have the same graphical display function on the ROUTE page.

BTW, some other cool videos:

* Orest

Edited by oskrypuch - 31 May 2015 at 12:47pm
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mfb Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 May 2015 at 12:25pm

Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

anks for the great responses. I was able to easily do the routing while in ROUTE mode where Victor airways are in the dropdown.I do not see a way to do this to a current FPL because victor airways are not present in the dropdown list. Am I correct? I f true,why are victors not available in FPL mode?

The Victor airways are there. They are in the window that appears when you go to add something after HRS. They're just not apparent because they are way down at the bottom of other stuff. You have to scroll down to the bottom of the window to find them.

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