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IFD Software Release

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: IFD 5 Series & IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Forum Description: Topics on Avidyne's IFD 5 Series and IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 2:07pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.01 -

Topic: IFD Software Release
Posted By: AviJake
Subject: IFD Software Release
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 7:13pm
We are now sufficiently close to completion that it is safe to provide the content of Release

New Features:

1.   1. 1. Added support for multiple options on the IFD-series to include:

a.       WiFi/Bluetooth

b.      FLTA and 500’ Callouts

c.       TAWS

d.      On-board Digital Radar

e.      Video Input/Display

f.        Synthetic Vision

g.       16W VHF Comm Transmit Power

h.      SAR/Special Use

i.         Capstone compliant ADS-B Receivers

2.   .   2. Added support for European VFR Visual Approach, Landing and Area Charts – this is a new chart option in the chart list for those customers who have elected to add that capability to their Jepp subscription.

3.       3. Added support for Digital Radar – a new optional RADAR tab has been added to the MAP page and weather radar overlays are supported on the moving map.

4.       4. Added support for TIS traffic display – adds TIS track lines and TIS related “Traffic Not Available” CAS messages

5.       5. Added support for GDL-88 – added ability to communicate with, and display data from, Garmin GDL-88 devices

6.       6. Added support for GTX-330ES – Adds ability to communicate with, and send ADS-B compliant position data to the GTX-330ES

7.      7.  Added support for Video input and display – a new optional VIDEO tab has been added to the MAP page which displays input from any RS-170 format camera.  The display can support full-color video input and IR camera input and is pinch zoom-able and pan-able.

8.      8.  Added support for TAWS – adds the rest of the TAWS capability to include Premature Descent Alert, Excessive Sink Rate, Negative Climb Rate after Takeoff or Go-Around, TAWS Self Test and associated aurals.   It is likely the TSO approval will be a follow-on approval after release.

9.       9.  Added Synthetic Vision to all IFDs – a new optional SVS tab has been added to the MAP page which displays an “exocentric” view of your airplane against 3D terrain and obstacles along with flight plan information.

10. 10.  Adds support for Search and Rescue and Special Use patterns – provides an option for circular orbits around a point.

11. 11.  Added a new “Direct Distance to Active Waypoint” datablock – this datablock provides a constant snap vector including direct distance to the active waypoint.  This does NOT add a buttonhook type of turn toward the waypoint if not already facing it.

12  12. Added a new “Active Waypoint Direct Info” datablock – Adds a new datablock which displays bearing, distance, time to go to active waypoint using a straight line assumption.

13.  13. Added a new “Designated Waypoint Info” datablock – this is my personal favorite and allows you to designate any waypoint in the system (not just in the flight plan) to be an anchor point and provides bearing, radial, distance, time-to-go data elements.  To change the designated waypoint, just touch on the datablock which pops up a virtual keyboard to type in a new waypoint.  The waypoint selected will survive across power cycles.

14. 14.  Adds Demo mode – this feature adds a means in maintenance mode to put the IFD into Demo mode.  Once in demo mode, a special splash screen pops up at each power up and if you accept it, it puts the IFD into demo mode.  The IFD will “fly” the flight plan entered including any altitude constraints.  This mode is entered if a properly configured USB fob is inserted into the USB port prior to power up.  Great for dealers and even useful for in-airplane ground training.

15. 15.  Added WX-500 Self Test capability – adds a new WX500 self test page to Maintenance mode for debug and troubleshooting purposes

16. 16.  IFD550 Support – Release software fully supports the new IFD550 product which will be released at the same time.  The IFD550 contains an internal Attitude Reference System (a set of TSO’d gyros and accels) that computes and displays a TSO’d attitude indication.  Both Synthetic Vision and a traditional blue/brown ADI depictions are available.  The Synthetic Vision view is an “egocentric” or out-the-window view with 3D traffic, 3D terrain, 3D obstacles, 3D flight plan depiction, Total Velocity Vector (TVV)/Flight Path Marker (FPM) depiction, highlighted airfields and runways, and vertical/lateral deviation indicators.

17. 17.  IFD545 Support – Release software fully supports the new IFD545 product which is the IFD550 without the VHF com/nav capability.

18. 18.  IFD510 Support – Release software fully supports the new IFD510 product which is the IFD540 without the VHF com/nav capability.

19. 19.  IFD410 Support – Release software fully supports the new IFD410 product which is the IFD440 without the VHF com/nav capability.

20. 20.  Adds transponder test capability – a new transponder test page/mode has been added to maintenance mode that tests the transponder output signals and gives great feedback to the installer/tester/troubleshooter.

21. 21.  Adds a port monitor capability – a new page has been added to maintenance mode that allows an installer/troubleshooter to monitor all the traffic on the various data com ports of the IFD.

22. 22.  Adds a Terrain database version ID to the SYS page – just like with Nav, Obstacle and Chart data, we are now displaying the version number/date of the on-board terrain database.

23. 23.  Displays Navaids on FMS INFO tab – adds a new sub-tab to the FMS INFO tab that shows nearby navaids

24.  24. Adds new User ID datablock – this new datablock identifies the current User Profile in use. Especially useful in those multiple owner airplanes or the pilots who want to set up profiles for various phases of flight.

25.  25. Adds Transition Level/Altitude Alert – made additions to the FMS Setup page to allow designation of local area transition level/altitude and has associated CAS messages with them as the transition level/altitude is approached.

26.  26. Adds Sidetone Adjust capability – added a new row on the Volume page to provide a means to adjust the VHF transmission side tone level.

27.  27. Adds other new maintenance mode selections and pages – added several new selection types for RS-232 devices, radar calibration page, stormscope test page, IFD550 attitude sensor calibration page, and others




28.  28  Improved WiFi capability – adds two-way WiFi so data (e.g. flight plans) can be sent from an external device/application to the IFD and added more data in the WiFi stream from the IFD to include ADS-B weather, ADS-B traffic, attitude data from the IFD550/545, user waypoints, stored routes, etc).  This also includes support for the new free IFD100 iPad app which is a fully interactive version of the IFD running on an iPad.  When connected via WiFi to the panel mount IFD, virtually all inputs made on one IFD are reflected on the other.  It's WAY COOL!

29. 29.  Adds 16W VHF Transmit power capability to the IFD 4-series – IFD4-series now has the option for 16W transmit power. Fielded IFD440s can be upgraded from 10W to 16W if desired.

30.  30.  Navigation Database upload speeds dramatically increased – Nav database upload times have been dramatically reduced.  For example, 15MB worldwide nav data used to take 7 minutes to upload and now takes 40 seconds.

31. 31.  Full Bluetooth Keyboard mapping – adds all missing mapping to the Bluetooth keyboards.

32. 32.  Additional ADS-B weather products – adds Winds Aloft, Temps Aloft, and TFRs from the MLB100 datastream for display on the IFD

33. 33.  Ability to turn off individual GPS satellite vehicles – individual satellite vehicle numbers can be manually excluded from the GPS solution in maintenance mode.  This should be especially helpful in the southern hemisphere (e.g. Australia and New Zealand) where WAAS and MSAS satellites can be viewed but may be troublesome.

34. 34.  Enhanced GPS signal lock robustness – a number of additional enhancements were made to the GPS lock algorithms.

35. 35.  Allow multiple outputs of the same data stream – previously, you could only have one instance of a RS-232 data type in Maintenance Mode and now you can have up to 6 instances of the same type.  For example, you can now set “Aviation” on all six serial ports if you want.

36. 36.  Configuration Save Improvements – this should help out those customers who use the Windows simulator and configure the IFD as they want and try to save those settings to a USB fob for importing into an actual IFD.  Those settings were not being fully implemented on the actual IFD until now.

37. 37.  Add aural alert to ADS-B traffic TAs – An aural “bing” now accompanies ADS-B sourced traffic TAs.

38. 38.  Improved VOR nav sensitivity – the overall VOR sensitivity was improved which greatly improves Morse Code decode times and accuracy.

39. 39.  Improved enroute transitions - When inserting a SID into the flight plan, the system will generally present only a dropdown containing enroute transitions. When the user selects the transition, a SID is inserted with a runway transition corresponding to the selected runway. However, if there is no selected runway, then no runway transition is inserted. This has led to some users wondering why their SID is "missing legs".  That has been addressed in 10.2.

40. 40.  Added WiFi and Bluetooth logo icons to the top datablock strip – the added logos will be a clear indication which capability has been enabled on that IFD

41. 41.  Moved the WiFi/BT accept dialog box up to the startup sequence – moves that dialog box up to the startup sequence if the IFD has WiFi or Bluetooth enabled and at least one of them configured in User Options to be On.

42. 42.  Depicted GPS signal strength – improves the visual depiction of GPS satellite signal-to-noise ratio bars on the GPS status page

43. 43.  Enhanced Guard Freq swapping behavior – When pressing and holding the Swap key to push 121.5 into the active com freq, the system will now automatically push the previous active freq into the standby slot.

44. 44.  VLOC Yellow on ILS Approach – there were some ILS approaches that were coded differently in the nav database and did not toggle the VLOC nav source indicator to green when they should have.  That has been rectified in this release.

45. 45.  Offer more possibilities when entering a waypoint – instead of limiting dropdown waypoint choices to previously determined most logical choices, all choices with the identifier are now possible.

46. 46.  Improved thumbnail dwell time - adds a dwell time requirement to effect change on the traffic and transponder thumbnails.  This fixes an issue where scrolling the datablocks column could adversely/unintentionally change the traffic or transponder state

47. 47.  Improved Published Holds – there were some subtle uses of published holds that we did not know about operationally.  This change allows selection of the type of hold to be used when there are multiple published holds on the same database waypoint.

48. 48.  Runway length in meters - When meters selected as units in User Options distance units field, the runway length information on the INFO tab will be displayed in meters. Also affects map pop up info boxes and Map Setup page filtering by runway length.

49. 49.  ADS-B traffic symbols – adds the directional indication symbol to ADS-B sourced traffic blips

50. 50.  Cyclic scroll on waypoint lat/lon entry - When entering in lat lon coordinates, instead of preventing a rollover from 0 to 9 as pre-10.2 behaved, now you can twist the knob to go around the horn.

51. 51.  Timer label changes – a few cosmetic changes to titles of timers.  “Departure Timer” is now “Event Times” and start options have been wordsmithed.

52. 52.  Title change of User ID datablock – changes the title of the datablock from “User ID” to “User Profile”.

53.  53. Jet/Victor Airways visibility on map – changed the altitudes at which Jet Airways and Victor Airways are suppressed from view on the map. 

54. 54.  Removed floating “TRK” - In pre-10.2 systems, if you turned off the digital heading box on the Map, we left a floating “TRK” indication.  That is now removed if digital heading/track is removed too.

55. 55.   Map tab hiding info on Charts page – moves the page alignment as required so that the MAP page tabs do not obscure Chart data.

56. 56.  Enhanced virtual keyboard ops during edits - removes a behavior where the virtual keyboard would be removed if you used the space key during edits to the User Profile name.

57. 57.  Improved cursor behavior on Chart list page – prevents the cursor from moving beyond your field of view (below the visible page) when on the Chart list page.

58. 58.  Removes invalid temps from Mx Mode display page – removes some unused or invalid temps on the I/O card sub-page in Mx mode.

59.  59. Improved GPS status flagging – no longer flags GPS position as “bad” when the UTC Invalid flag is set.

60. 60.  Changed default state of maintenance mode updates page - changes the default of all FOB files being selected for upload to no files selected in an attempt to reduce unintended SW/database or updates loading.

61. 61.  KFC225 Nav Arming in Dual IFDs – improves the clarity of which IFD arms the autopilot NAV mode in dual IFD-KFC225 equipped aircraft.

Issues Remedied

62. 62.   Restore missing datablock in top datablock strip – restores the missing Crosstrack Deviation datablock option to the top datablock strip after it had been inadvertently removed a few releases ago.

63. 63.  Fixes Datalink no coverage cross hatching indications – we had some cases where big/gigantic no-coverage cross hatching indications from ADS-B weather were displayed.

64. 64.  Fixed times in G500 and GMX200 - There were some conditions where the times displayed on the G500 and GMX200 were off by an hour due to a bug in our interpretation of the data messages.  That’s now resolved.

65. 65.   Fixed GMX200 Reboot issue – remedied an issue that would cause the GMX200 to reboot after its disclaimer page was acknowledged.

66. 66.  Fixed improper use of pressure altitude on GPS Status Page – eliminates the use of pressure altitude on the GPS Status page for the altitude field and in the Aviation 232 output stream.  It’s GPS Altitude or nothing now.

67.  67. G500 ILS Autoslew course issued resolved – remedied an issue in which the ILS course was not always properly autoslewing in a G500/600.

68. 68.  Altitude Constraint Removal issue resolved – remedied an issue in which the inserted altitude constraint would get removed when inserting an airway after a leg.

69.  69. Remedied and issue in the way arc legs were drawn on Garmin displays - resolved the issue where on MX20/GMX200/G500, Arc legs are not able to be drawn greater than 255 degrees. Most DME Arcs are significantly less than that but it has been found that the Nav database does contain some arcs that are greater than 255 degrees (ex. SASJ OSEBO 4A Departure - GESPA transition)

70.  70. VR leg altitude constraint radial display fix – remedied an issue where the radial on an altitude constraint VR leg would not display 3 digits if less than 100 degrees.

71. 71.  Fixed Next Leg CAS issue – the “Next Leg” CAS message was supposed to be a Delete on Ack message but that was not implemented correctly in Release

72. 72.   Remedied an issue in datablock location display – remedied an issue that caused discrete jumping of display location in datablocks when using User IDs 2-5.

73. 73.   Fixed inappropriate dismissal of virtual keyboard – some of the AUX – Setup pages would get keyboards in places and times that they shouldn’t and this is now fixed.

74. 74.  Fixed AM/PM error in ETA calculation –remedied an issue that typically produced an error in ETA time label (AM was PM and PM was AM).

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 7:16pm
And now for the wave of questions....

But first a few pre-emptive statements:

1.  We're in final company testing of this release but it's not done until it's done.
2.  We'll be done as soon as the FAA signs off on the release
3.  The release is $0.
4.  There are some paid options included in the release that cost more than $0.
5.  It's a ridiculously cool release.
6.  We will have it on display at Sun-n-Fun including the IFD100 and IFD550.
7.  I expect to post a draft Pilot Guide for download and review within a week of the show ending.
8.  No Orest, the IFD100 is not (yet) available in Android.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TomG
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 7:43pm
Sound's Great!
Can't wait to see all of you next week! 

Tom Goodwin
V35 B W/
IFD 540

Tom G

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 7:56pm

Is there an upgrade pathway from the 540 to the 550?

It sounds like to some degree the IFD100 makes the outside vendor apps nearly superfluous.

Overall, way more than one would have hoped to realize.

Congrats, Steve.

David Gates

Posted By: bellanca1730a
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 8:59pm
Wow! Just wow! Congrats, Steve!

Sean Andrews
Bellanca Super Viking

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:02pm
1)  Yes, that is a biggie, is a 540 factory upgradeable to a 550, or is it a completely different box inside?

2)  Can a stock 540 (or 440) use an external ADHARS source, like an ASPEN or G500 to display the egocentric SV and/or AI?

There is a lot of cool stuff! Also, very interesting about the *armin stuff cross connectivity, that may really help a lot of folks make up their minds.

But, no" rel="nofollow - Boeing Banana . I even checked twice!

Maybe 10.3!

* Orest

Posted By: TomG
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:14pm
So how does IFD 550 connect to the new version of the PFD4000, and how much??

Tom G

Posted By: DavidBunin
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:19pm
Wow, that's AWESOME!!  I just saw the email from Avidyne and had to jump o nthe forum to see what was happening here.  I'll see you at SnF.

74 features.  Wow.

Was one of them the banana?

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:20pm
Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:

1)  Yes, that is a biggie, is a 540 factory upgradeable to a 550, or is it a completely different box inside?

2)  Can a stock 540 (or 440) use an external ADHARS source, like an ASPEN or G500 to display the egocentric SV and/or AI?

But, no" rel="nofollow - Boeing Banana . I even checked twice!

* Orest

Really good questions...

David Gates

Posted By: teeth6
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:41pm
Absolutely amazing.  Much more than anyone could have hoped for.  Take THAT *armin!!
I would have fully expected that some features would be more than $0 to activate. It not cheap to engineer these enhancements and get them approved.  Can you say which will incur a cost and the approximate amount?

Posted By: 310pilot
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 9:47pm
I am soooooooo glad I put an IFD in my airplane. Can't wait to see all the cool stuff this release offers in action. Great job!!

Posted By: Harmik
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 10:04pm
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:

1)  Yes, that is a biggie, is a 540 factory upgradeable to a 550, or is it a completely different box inside?

2)  Can a stock 540 (or 440) use an external ADHARS source, like an ASPEN or G500 to display the egocentric SV and/or AI?

But, no" rel="nofollow - Boeing Banana . I even checked twice!

* Orest

Really good questions...

interested to know about the upgrade also.




Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 10:26pm
Originally posted by teeth6 teeth6 wrote:

Absolutely amazing.  Much more than anyone could have hoped for.  Take THAT *armin!!
I would have fully expected that some features would be more than $0 to activate. It not cheap to engineer these enhancements and get them approved.  Can you say which will incur a cost and the approximate amount?

You can make assumptions...

TAWS is an option.

Radar is an option.

Probably video is an upcharge.

BUT what is important is what they have said is NOT an upcharge.

  • 10.2
  • Syn Vis
  • IFD100
  • WiFi/BT
  • Full keyboard function
I am sure they understand their business plan.

I personally  am rooting for them.

David Gates

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 10:27pm
Originally posted by 310pilot 310pilot wrote:

I am soooooooo glad I put an IFD in my airplane. Can't wait to see all the cool stuff this release offers in action. Great job!!

I'm glad I did dual units; with the increased functionality, will be able to keep both screens busy!

David Gates

Posted By: safari
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 10:36pm


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:01pm
We've always believed we had the superior engineered boxes with the best user interface.  We had some mis-steps coming out the gate with the IFDs and are still working through a few pesky issues but we're finally able to start rolling out some of the capability we planned for from the very beginning.   And we're not done yet.

Now for a few of the questions so far:

Can you upgrade your existing IFD540 for a new IFD550?   Yes but of course that involves buying an IFD550.  I know that's not what you meant so the real answer is "No", the existing 540 can not be upgraded to a 550.

What's different about the 550?  Is it a whole new set of guts?    No, not really.   We developed and certified the 540 from day one with the ARS (Attitude Reference System) in there.  All of our hardware and environmental quals from 2+ years ago had the ARS in there on purpose so we didn't have to requal now.   So that sums up to be the 550 is a 540 with the open cavity in the bottom now populated with an ARS and a new bezel that has the 4th Page Function key ("SVS").     The 550 is still plug & play with a 530 to the same extent a 540 is.  550 is the exact same form factor and uses the exact same tray and wiring.

What features have an upcharge associated with them?    The items listed at the top of this thread under item #1 are the only ones that have upcharges or unlock fees associated with them.    Now there are all kinds of asterisks even with that statement.    Everybody who has a 540 or 440 already got WiFi, Bluetooth, FLTA and 500' call outs.  There is no new charge for that at all.     In fact, as a quick side bar on that, you may have noticed that the price for 440s seems to have decreased from what the early purchasers paid for.  That is technically true but the base price of the 440 does not include WiFi/Bluetooth/FLTA/500.  When you add those options in, you're back up to the original price of the 440.     

How much are the various up charges?   Sorry but I need to consult with Sales on that one.   I made a note to myself to be prepared with those numbers when I made the original post on this thread but I forgot to do that.   We should have those numbers by Tues, if not earlier.  I think they are even being distributed to dealers and Avidyne Insiders tonight.   Apologies for dodging that question.

Where the heck is the Boeing Banana?    It's on the candidate database but didn't make the cut for 10.2.  Clearly we're aware of the interest in that feature and agree that it's very cool and useful.   Someday.....

Can a 540 or 440 take in ADAHRS data from an external source like Aspen or G500 and do something with it?   No, I'm afraid not.

What's the interconnect story with the PFD4000?   Well technically the PFD4000 is still in the ether and doesn't exist as a product yet.  However, when it does become a shippable product, it will clearly be able to have a full interface with the IFD series of units.   Note that we are asserting the IFD550 is a "non-required secondary attitude indicator" meaning the STC we are in the middle of right now does not allow for the IFD550 to be one of the required attitude indications in your airplane whereas the PFD4000 would be.    Now you can (and should) let your imaginations run wild here with the possibilities.  The IFD550/545 is a fully TSO'd attitude sensor/indicator and uses all the same  technologies as our other primary systems do.   Ponder that for a while.....

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: squeege
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:13pm
Come on, this is a huge April Fools joke, isn't it?


Posted By: AUXAIR
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:14pm
What a terrific set of features!
I, too, am glad of my choice of Avidyne 540/440/340 and their great product support.

David E.
Cessna 182 RG II

Posted By: teeth6
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:16pm
I'm sure all will become clear soon enough but you did explain how the upcharge for WiFi, BT and FLTA is being handled with new units.  For those already with WiFI and BT, do you still anticipate a charge to unlock the full features of the keyboard and WiFi?    I thought the SV would carry a charge and it is listed under item #1 above but the email sent out by Avidyne earlier today states, "Synthetic Vision at no additional charge."   Which is correct?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:20pm
Wait until you see the demo of the IFD440 connected to the IFD100 on an iPad Pro via WiFi at Sun-n-Fun. It's just sick.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:24pm
IFD100 will work instead of IFD340 ;)  Very glad to see that come true.  I'm also an Android user and will be waiting patiently.

With all the surprises with the IFD line, is there any chance for a dual band in MLB?  The ADS-B upgrades are making an IFD/ADSB solution more tempting.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:25pm
It's a little complicated and I'm typing on a phone so this won't be the complete answer but,

There is no up charge for the full WiFi functionality.
WiFi/BT comes standard on all 5-series units.
There is no up charge for full keyboard functionality.
Believe it or not, at least for now, the SVS option on all units is $0 (this is NOT an April Fools joke). This is the new tab on Map page that is the exocentric "in trail" view. It's really neat.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:30pm
(Looking closely to see if there's an "April Fools!" hidden in fine print anywhere....)  ;-)

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:54pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Now you can (and should) let your imaginations run wild here with the possibilities.  The IFD550/545 is a fully TSO'd attitude sensor/indicator and uses all the same  technologies as our other primary systems do.   Ponder that for a while.....

Going back 1.5 years, will the IFD550 ARS allow users to add a DFC90 without an Aspen?

Posted By: AUXAIR
Date Posted: 01 Apr 2016 at 11:59pm
Steve -

One of the new features that interests me most is support for SAR.

"10. Adds support for Search and Rescue and Special Use patterns – provides an option for circular orbits around a point."

Can you comment on whether this feature extends to the ability to set up and use Sector searches, or the ability to define A Commence Search Point and use it as the basis for setting up a set of parallel tracks at fixed offsets?

Thank you,

David E.
Cessna 182 RG II

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 12:31am
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

<span style="line-height: 1.4;">Now you can (and should) let your imaginations run wild here with the possibilities.  The IFD550/545 is a fully TSO'd attitude sensor/indicator and uses all the same  technologies as our other primary systems do.   Ponder that for a while.....</span>

Going back 1.5 years, will the IFD550 ARS allow users to add a DFC90 without an Aspen?

Couldn't the 550 BE the autopilot (of course with srrvos) sort of like the G3X?

David Gates

Posted By: DH82FLYER
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 12:45am
Is there a charge for the non-certified TAWS functionality?

Posted By: mfb
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:13am
When will a version of the PC and/or iPad simulator be available?



Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 5:00am

A very good mix and choices of no-charge functionality increase for existing installations vs add-on purchase options. Excellent work to retain and enhance the value for the current customer base, especially those of us who have held in there with Avidyne over the last few years on this journey.


Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 5:53am
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

2.   .   2. Added support for European VFR Visual Approach, Landing and Area Charts – this is a new chart option in the chart list for those customers who have elected to add that capability to their Jepp subscription.


        A couple question related to this point in the list ... 

        1) These VFR charts contain many VRP's (Visual Reporting Points, nearly 700 in Italy alone), which up to now have not been in the Jepp navdata and therefore couldn't be added to flight plans. Does this mean that the Jepp navdata will also now include them? I expect that the answer here is NO, but hoping for a YES.

        2) Are these charts supported and can they be loaded into the IFD concurrently with the existing, IFR charts? I expect that the answer here is YES.


Posted By: DavidBunin
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 7:19am
I noticed that the name/title of this forum room changed.

David Bunin

Posted By: PeterC
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 7:36am
Steve, that is an amazing list! Congratulations for providing such a great release while still providng excellent support to your installed users. Now you really make us think -"What could they do next?" You just moved that bar to a whole new level. I can't wait to see it all on Tuesday.

Peter - 1977 Cardinal RG C-FJPC - IFD550/540/240/322/605A/Skytrax100, Aspen MAX 2000, Trio A/P

Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 7:55am
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Now you can (and should) let your imaginations run wild here with the possibilities.  The IFD550/545 is a fully TSO'd attitude sensor/indicator and uses all the same  technologies as our other primary systems do.   Ponder that for a while.....

Going back 1.5 years, will the IFD550 ARS allow users to add a DFC90 without an Aspen?

No, not today.

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 7:57am
Originally posted by mfb mfb wrote:

When will a version of the PC and/or iPad simulator be available?


Working on that now. Should have it soon via the website.

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: AviSimpson
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 7:58am
Originally posted by DavidBunin DavidBunin wrote:

I noticed that the name/title of this forum room changed.

David Bunin

I changed it at 3pm yesterday but no one noticed...

Simpson Bennett
Avidyne Corporation
Product Manager

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:27am
Originally posted by AUXAIR AUXAIR wrote:

Steve -

One of the new features that interests me most is support for SAR.

"10. Adds support for Search and Rescue and Special Use patterns – provides an option for circular orbits around a point."

Can you comment on whether this feature extends to the ability to set up and use Sector searches, or the ability to define A Commence Search Point and use it as the basis for setting up a set of parallel tracks at fixed offsets?

Thank you,

No, not yet.  The SAR package is limited in Release 10.2 to only have circular orbits.   The rest of the more traditional SAR pattern options are still on the post 10.2 to-do list.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:29am
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:


Couldn't the 550 BE the autopilot (of course with srrvos) sort of like the G3X?

We like your thinking but we're not there yet.  There is no engineering reason why that can't be the case but we have a lot more work in front of us to accomplish something like that.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:30am
Originally posted by DH82FLYER DH82FLYER wrote:

Is there a charge for the non-certified TAWS functionality?

The short answer is "I'm not sure yet."

It is an active internal debate.  Stay tuned.....

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:32am
Originally posted by chflyer chflyer wrote:

Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

2.   .   2. Added support for European VFR Visual Approach, Landing and Area Charts – this is a new chart option in the chart list for those customers who have elected to add that capability to their Jepp subscription.


        A couple question related to this point in the list ... 

        1) These VFR charts contain many VRP's (Visual Reporting Points, nearly 700 in Italy alone), which up to now have not been in the Jepp navdata and therefore couldn't be added to flight plans. Does this mean that the Jepp navdata will also now include them? I expect that the answer here is NO, but hoping for a YES.

        2) Are these charts supported and can they be loaded into the IFD concurrently with the existing, IFR charts? I expect that the answer here is YES.

1.  I don't think so but let me double check with Jepp.
2.  Yes.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Freff
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:43am
What is the difference between FLTA and TAWS?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:49am
FLTA is "Forward Looking Terrain Alerting".  It is a subset of full TAWS functionality.  (TAWS being Terrain Alerting Warning System).

Full TAWS-B has several elements:
1.  FLTA
2.  500' Call outs
3.  Excessive Descent Rate Alerts
4.  Premature Descent Alert
5.  Negative Climb Rate After Takeoff or Go-Around

#1 and #2 have been in the IFDs for some time.  Release 10.2 adds #3, 4, 5.    

#3,4, 5 are specified in the guidance that covers TAWS systems in a very specific manner and are designed to address other real-life corner conditions that resulted in real CFIT accidents.

The draft Pilot Guide that I will post in the next week or so has explicit descriptions of those new areas.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:57am
Since there seems to be a bunch of questions about upgrading to the 550, perhaps you could mull this over with sales/management.

For a customer that upgrade to the 550, would you be willing to "refurbish" the current units, which may be no more than sending the units back for all of the latest hardware updates, inspection, and certification?  I don't see this being much more than your current customer service work, but having some sort of "certified pre-owned" policy may help the existing 540s sell making it easier for current customers to make the upgrade.  Also, would you be willing to reset the old 540 warranty for it's new owner?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 8:59am
Okay, I'll huddle with the appropriate players on Monday to discuss your suggestion.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 9:26am
I am definitely in the camp of "very interested in upgrading to the 550 if the delta cost is reasonable".  I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 9:55am

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 9:59am
I continue to be beyond impressed. I see a path with what you are doing.

1. Not explicitly mentioned. Does 10.2 support flight plan save with altitude restrictions?
2. Is there an intermediate between full TAWS and FLTA? I'm thinking of more audio call outs.
3. Are you going to develop "suggestions" or a "super users" forum? Seems that such could be useful in the setting of a large panorama of options.
4. What about suggested optimal configurations for dual 540s or 540/440 combinations?
5. Does 10.2 support MLB data streaming via wifi?
6. Is IFD100 ok on Mimi or does it require iPad Pro?

I could go on...and on...but can't make it to Florida- so those who go from this forum need to be reporters...

David Gates

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 10:04am
Reference David's 6 questions:

1.  Yes, my bad for not including it in the list but I do have an explicit note in the new Pilot Guide about that.
2.  Not as part of 10.2.  What audio call outs do you have in mind?  As a potentially interesting aside, we did record about 100 aurals for various things and they are in the code - we just don't make a call to most of them at this time.
3.  Dunno.  I'll let Simpson handle that one.  (You're welcome Simpson)
4.  Yikes.  An impressive exercise in combinatorics.   Might be doable but I'm leary based on the myriad of potential configurations any given customer may have.
5.  Sort of.   10.2 enables the streaming out via WiFi of ADS-B traffic and weather.  So, MLB100 supplied traffic and weather, can now pour out of the IFD over WiFi and be caught and done something with by the various app providers who have, or are working on, compatible apps.  The IFD100 will take and display that data on the map and traffic thumbnail.
6.  Yes, IFD100 works on the Mini - that's what I use in my cockpit.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 10:20am
Thanks, Jake.

I spend all too much time on the aluminum tube and hear their call outs: 2500, 1000, 500, 100, and minimums.
The IFD approaching this would kind of be a poor man's radio alt.

Aspen blew it when they shortcut their alerting with the Sonalert rather than audio. The IFD could do that (and yeah, I'd pay for it) - think about alt alerting. Should be doable with the functionality you already have. Could save some IFR altitude busts.

If we are going big:
Ultimate suggestion - BUY GENESYS!! FREE the DFC-90.

(Only partially tongue in cheek)

David Gates

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 10:30am
Also - how will two boxes handle traffic alerting from TAS on one box and MLB on the other? Audio plus Bing? Or does one or the other get primacy?

David Gates

Posted By: Slatye
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 10:34am
Wow, that's a lot of updates! I'm guessing that there's not going to be an "IFD450", like a smaller IFD550?

Any chance of a list of which radar units are supported?

Posted By: mfb
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 11:54am
Originally posted by AviSimpson AviSimpson wrote:

Originally posted by mfb mfb wrote:

When will a version of the PC and/or iPad simulator be available?


Working on that now. Should have it soon via the website.

It would be nice if VOR and ILS receivers were simulated properly. And maybe turn down the traffic so targets don't buzz around like flies quite so much. (I can always wish, can't I? As long as you're working on the sim you might as well........   )


Posted By: Apiaguy
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 12:14pm
With R10.2 software, all 5-Series IFD versions can provide display of weather radar from nine different Bendix/King digital series Wx Radar models including the RDR2000, RDR2100 and RDS81/82/82VP/84/84VP/86/86VP

And to utilize the radar is a $3999 unlock

Which is a real bummer it cant be as inclusive as the ex600 radar capabilities...

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:43pm
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

Also - how will two boxes handle traffic alerting from TAS on one box and MLB on the other? Audio plus Bing? Or does one or the other get primacy?

When there are dissimilar traffic sources onboard (e.g. TAS and MLB), the IFDs do not share traffic info and do not have knowledge of the other IFDs TA status.   That means both IFDs would provide an alert.  However, practically speaking, the aurals are only heard from whatever IFD(s) are wired to the audio panel which is typically just one.  If both IFDs happen to be wired to the audio panel, then yes, you would hear both aural alerts.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:45pm
Originally posted by mfb mfb wrote:

Originally posted by AviSimpson AviSimpson wrote:

Originally posted by mfb mfb wrote:

When will a version of the PC and/or iPad simulator be available?


Working on that now. Should have it soon via the website.

It would be nice if VOR and ILS receivers were simulated properly. And maybe turn down the traffic so targets don't buzz around like flies quite so much. (I can always wish, can't I? As long as you're working on the sim you might as well........   )


We did not make those changes in the sim.   We agree those are good ideas but it's all about engineering resource loading and priorities.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:47pm
Originally posted by Apiaguy Apiaguy wrote:

With R10.2 software, all 5-Series IFD versions can provide display of weather radar from nine different Bendix/King digital series Wx Radar models including the RDR2000, RDR2100 and RDS81/82/82VP/84/84VP/86/86VP

And to utilize the radar is a $3999 unlock

Which is a real bummer it cant be as inclusive as the ex600 radar capabilities...

I presume you mean the analog radars that the EX600 also supports.  If so, there is very little chance of that ever happening with the IFDs.   That requires a separate processor/receiver/set of hardware and a significant redesign of the IFD.  I'm afraid that's not in the cards.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: paulr
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:51pm
Per Steve's question #2 above on audio callouts: I'd really, really like an audio callout indicating reaching the FAF and MAP inbound. TOD and the 500' callout are very helpful already but these would add real value.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:52pm
Originally posted by Slatye Slatye wrote:

I'm guessing that there's not going to be an "IFD450", like a smaller IFD550?

Correct.  There are no plans to create an IFD450 at this time, primarily because we don't have the physical space available in the chassis to house the attitude sensor (ARS).

Never say never for attitude display on an IFD 4-series but aside from passing that data in from another unit, it's really hard to see how this can be accomplished.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 1:53pm
Originally posted by paulr paulr wrote:

For #2, I'd really, really like an audio callout indicating reaching the FAF and MAP inbound.

Might be worth starting a new thread on desired audio callouts or something so all your requests for those don't get buried/lost in this  thread.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: Harmik
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Originally posted by paulr paulr wrote:

For #2, I'd really, really like an audio callout indicating reaching the FAF and MAP inbound.

Might be worth starting a new thread on desired audio callouts or something so all your requests for those don't get buried/lost in this  thread.

+1 for starting an audio thread.
I compared my audio output quality and message voice quality with a friend's IFD540 few weeks ago. Our systems sounded identical so installation was not a factor. However, as I have mentioned before, would like to see the voice quality improved.




Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 5:14pm
I find the voice quality very good.

Any chance it is a headset issue?

* Orest

Posted By: DH82FLYER
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 5:30pm
FWIW, I too find the voice quality to be very good.

Posted By: Harmik
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 6:16pm
Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:

I find the voice quality very good.

Any chance it is a headset issue?

* Orest

I don't think so but to be sure I will try a different headset and report back. I am currently using Clarity Aloft. I will try it with my Bose.




Posted By: PeterC
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2016 at 6:51pm
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Since there seems to be a bunch of questions about upgrading to the 550, perhaps you could mull this over with sales/management.

For a customer that upgrade to the 550, would you be willing to "refurbish" the current units, which may be no more than sending the units back for all of the latest hardware updates, inspection, and certification?  I don't see this being much more than your current customer service work, but having some sort of "certified pre-owned" policy may help the existing 540s sell making it easier for current customers to make the upgrade.  Also, would you be willing to reset the old 540 warranty for it's new owner?


Peter - 1977 Cardinal RG C-FJPC - IFD550/540/240/322/605A/Skytrax100, Aspen MAX 2000, Trio A/P

Posted By: sikhpilotmd
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 8:13am
With the IFD 100, I get my wish of a larger screen IFD. Can't wait to get it.

Posted By: Slatye
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 9:22am
Originally posted by Apiaguy Apiaguy wrote:

Which is a real bummer it cant be as inclusive as the ex600 radar capabilities...
Yes, I was hoping to be able to plug the old ART-161 into an IFD540. Still, $4000 would be a lot to spend on getting such an old radar connected. For now I'll just design the panel with space for two IFD540s and leave the existing radar indicator in one of the holes.

I'll definitely be interested if Avidyne does a "certified refurbished" program for the IFD540s (to allow owners to swap over to IFD550s). I'm aiming to buy an IFD540 in the near-ish future (when I can afford it) and saving a bit by buying a second-hand one would be nice.

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 9:46am
66. 66. Fixed improper use of pressure altitude on GPS Status Page – eliminates the use of pressure altitude on the GPS Status page for the altitude field and in the Aviation 232 output stream. It’s GPS Altitude or nothing now.

Jake: we are hoping that this doesn't undo what we Aspen users did to get BaroAlt from the Aspen ARINC stream?

David Gates

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 10:36am
Feature Request

So, now with my remote 322 transponder, and the removal of the PA from the GPS page, nowhere can I get a PA from my panel. Can you perhaps add a calculated PA to the Calculators page, put it beside the DA?

I'll have to pull out my old school wiz-wheel!

I am also thinking that you could back calculate the altimeter setting on the calculator page, where you have sufficient data in the stream. Can you consider that?

* Orest

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 10:49am
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

66. 66. Fixed improper use of pressure altitude on GPS Status Page – eliminates the use of pressure altitude on the GPS Status page for the altitude field and in the Aviation 232 output stream. It’s GPS Altitude or nothing now.

Jake: we are hoping that this doesn't undo what we Aspen users did to get BaroAlt from the Aspen ARINC stream?

I'll have to double check a few things on Monday in the lab and then post an update.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 10:49am
Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:

Feature Request

So, now with my remote 322 transponder, and the removal of the PA from the GPS page, nowhere can I get a PA from my panel. Can you perhaps add a calculated PA to the Calculators page, put it beside the DA?

I'll have to pull out my old school wiz-wheel!

I am also thinking that you could back calculate the altimeter setting on the calculator page, where you have sufficient data in the stream. Can you consider that?

* Orest

Just added to the candidate feature database.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 11:12am
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

66. 66. Fixed improper use of pressure altitude on GPS Status Page – eliminates the use of pressure altitude on the GPS Status page for the altitude field and in the Aviation 232 output stream. It’s GPS Altitude or nothing now.

Jake: we are hoping that this doesn't undo what we Aspen users did to get BaroAlt from the Aspen ARINC stream?

I'll have to double check a few things on Monday in the lab and then post an update.

I really hope this didn't get dropped.  A bunch of us jumped through hoops to get Baro Alt.

David Gates

Posted By: safari
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 11:28am
yes Baro altitude is much better than gps altitude I hope it can remain and if it has changed be fixed. 


Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 11:35am

The change disabled the failover of MSL altitude. Previously if gps-based MSL altitude went invalid, the GPS status page would show Baro alt as GPS MSL altitude. Likewise Aviation232 would send Baro alt as MSL. There's a system wide concept of MSL and that could come from gps or Baro alt. Some places shouldn't failover, specifically the gps page and aviation232. Everywhere else still uses the failover. 

The part I have to remind myself with is what the change was you Aspen equipped guys made, but the Release 10.2 change affects usage of MSL altitude in those 2 specific places, not the input into the FMS. 

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 12:07pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

The part I have to remind myself with is what the change was you Aspen equipped guys made...

The Baro Alt data block was suppressed by ASPEN's original ACU, and not forwarded on its 432 out. Their updated ACU2 does forward it on. But actually, now there is a simpler solution, an update to their IG allows one to bypass the ACU altogether, and forward the 432 data directly to IFDs.

I did update to an ACU2 way back, but that allowed for something else in my setup, so it was not entirely squandered $$. But for ASPEN guys now, vis a vis the IFD, all you have to do is "Y" the ASPEN 432 out, and send a direct stream to the IFD. The ACU, if you have one, still needs its own 432 feed as well.

I did have the "Y" split put in, so I can get HDG bug info to the 540.

* Orest

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 12:30pm
Feature Re-Request

Buildling on what you mention to be, one of your favorite features ...

Quote 13. Added a new “Designated Waypoint Info” datablock – this is my personal favorite and allows you to designate any waypoint in the system (not just in the flight plan) to be an anchor point ...

Some time ago I suggested a facility to be able to draw circles/radials about specificed waypoints on the map page, the so called Boeing FIX PAGE feature. 

"Fix" circles have been drawn in at 10nm & 20nm, centered on KSEA (737 MFD) 

Image" rel="nofollow -

How about merging feature/update #13 and this idea? It would not only give you a numeric readout in a data block, but also allow you to draw fixed radius circles about the point of interest. Touching the datablock would pop up a screen where you could specify the circle radiuses you want to add, and any radials as well.

* Orest

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 12:58pm
Yes, I have those two tied together as next logical step in the candidate feature database.  I also linked the ability to quickly insert that fix point into a flight plan at will.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 1:22pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Everywhere else still uses the failover. 

Release 10.2 change affects usage of MSL altitude in those 2 specific places, not the input into the FMS. 

Those two statements are reassuring I think.

Orest, some of us didn't go to ACU2, but rather put the ACU in parallel with the IFD.  That was facilitated by rewording of the Aspen IM, as you indicated.  My question to Avidyne addresses whether that data is still being used.

There are a few functions where BEFORE 10.2 , BaroAlt would be used preferentially over GPSAlt.  It is important to know for flight plan altitude restrictions etc.

Thanks, Jake.

David Gates

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 1:58pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Yes, I have those two tied together as next logical step in the candidate feature database.  I also linked the ability to quickly insert that fix point into a flight plan at will.


* Orest

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 6:06pm
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Everywhere else still uses the failover. 

Release 10.2 change affects usage of MSL altitude in those 2 specific places, not the input into the FMS. 

Those two statements are reassuring I think.

Orest, some of us didn't go to ACU2, but rather put the ACU in parallel with the IFD.  That was facilitated by rewording of the Aspen IM, as you indicated.  My question to Avidyne addresses whether that data is still being used.

There are a few functions where BEFORE 10.2 , BaroAlt would be used preferentially over GPSAlt.  It is important to know for flight plan altitude restrictions etc.

Thanks, Jake.

Yes, everything is fine.  

This has no effect on your workaround to get 429 Baro altitude into your IFD. We just fixed an issue when GPS was invalid that we didn't report Baro corrected altitude as MSL altitude in 2 places, Av232 and the GPS specific status page. 

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 7:19pm
Thanks, Jake.

David Gates

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 7:22pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

Yes, everything is fine.  

This has no effect on your workaround to get 429 Baro altitude into your IFD. We just fixed an issue when GPS was invalid that we didn't report Baro corrected altitude as MSL altitude in 2 places, Av232 and the GPS specific status page. 

OK, now I get it, if GPSAlt isn't available, it will use BaroAlt anyway, which puts us ahead of the game?

David Gates

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 8:04pm
Originally posted by AviJake AviJake wrote:

13. Added a new “Designated Waypoint Info” datablock – this is my personal favorite and allows you to designate any waypoint in the system (not just in the flight plan) to be an anchor point and provides bearing, radial, distance, time-to-go data elements.  To change the designated waypoint, just touch on the datablock which pops up a virtual keyboard to type in a new waypoint.  The waypoint selected will survive across power cycles.

What does "in the system" mean?  I assume that means in the Jepp database, which does pretty much everything I was hoping for.  Can you use a user waypoint for this datablock?  I could see creating a user waypoint for locations that are commonly notam'd for avoidance that wouldn't show up in a TFR graphic.  There is a rocket launch one near me and a bunch of skydiving ones, this would make it easy to know how far away you are without having to have it loaded in your flight plan.  This would work well with Orest's circles, but only if their radii could be user defined.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 8:10pm
Nav database and user waypoints both count.

I use it as a bullseye - some bullseye you want to stay away from, some you want to go to, and some you just want to reference your location to it.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 8:16pm
For reference, here is what a 737 FIX PAGE (Smith FMC) looks like, where you specify the "circles" ...

Here LSGG was specified as the anchor waypoint, the bearing and distance is specified on the top line, and the bearing to the abeam point at the bottom.

Then, using line select keys you can enter up to three specifiers for each anchor point, in the format of:


If you omit the RRR, it adds a radial that makes sense based on your flightplan.

So, if you want to add a 10nm and 20nm radius circle around LSGG, you would enter ...


in the two lines.

If you want to add a 5nm circle, with a radial drawn in at 235* ...


The older FMC versions allowed two anchor points, the latest allows six.

* Orest

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 8:33pm
Seems to me like that for those of us who don't fly 37s or the big airplane FMSs, it would take a lot of time to become facile in "heavy iron" FMS ops.

What Orest posted doesn't seem user friendly to me anyway.

I favor simplicity over complexity. 

David Gates

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 9:07pm
Well, actually, it is just a table that you fill out with one, or two values for each line. Not really that complex. It does that rest. Likely the IFD would not provide all of the fields this page does.

For the IFD, where there is only one anchor point datablock, there would be only specification page. Radials do not have to be included, but it really is nice to draw a circle of 10nm around your destination, together with a radial drawn in on your runway approach path.

But I'd like to see at least two possible circles, two different radiuses specified for the anchor point.

* Orest

Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 9:21pm
From first blush, seems complex, maybe it isn't.

David Gates

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 9:49pm
Originally posted by ddgates ddgates wrote:

From first blush, seems complex, maybe it isn't.

I agree, it seems like the bullseye box is pretty simple on it's own and I'm not sure drawing circles on the map adds a whole lot when you can see distance information, but if they can figure out a simple and clean UI, I could see a few uses for the circles.  Orest, can you provide some insight into how the second right around the waypoint would be used?

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 10:42pm
You are only limited by your imagination.

Look at the graphic upthread. Aircraft is on a arrival that will terminate with vectors for the ILS approach into SEA.

A quick glance at the MFD will keep you directly aware of where you are relative to the airport, but further it will also let you know where you are on vectors, how far abeam you are and how far downrange, outstanding for SA. 

You can expect to be taken about 15 to 18 nm downrange, and then given a turn to 90, then a 30 deg intercept, and then cleared for the approach. You can ensure that ATC has it right. You need to be between the range rings.

Perhaps you are cleared for a visual when in the downwind. Sure, you can eyeball it, but judging distances  acutely at that range can be tricky. The graphic gives you excellent guidance.

A numeric distance and range will tell you where you are relative to all that, but you have to think about it. The graphic depiction will tell you immediately.

Let us say you are at cruise. You have determined that you need to start your descent at 50nm out. you draw a ring at 50, it is a crosscheck against the TOD. Perhaps you want to be alerted for some other task closer in, say your in-range checks, you draw a ring at 25nm. And so on.

Remember also you can draw the rings to assist you in a tricky departure, or perhaps avoiding a restricted area, whatever. Items that are not on your flightplan.

The other cool thing about these range rings, is of course they change in size with the scale on the screen. With the IFD I always keep the same 6nm scale during approach maneuvers to maintain an at a glance orientation. I use the current range rings from the own ship in reverse, to determine the distances now. With the proposed range rings it would be far more direct, and even on different screen scales, without having to think about it, you would be able to orient yourself.

Does that help?

As far as the UI, the popup box could have a couple of fill in fields for range and (optional) radial. They would be filled in just like you fill in vertical constraints now in flightplan datablocks, or data on the calculators page, etc. It might be better to have that on a dedicated tab, an extra tab on the MAP page, where you would fill that in. You could quick access that tab from the current anchor datablock.

This potential feature is really the cat's meow, once you get used to it, and start using it.

* Orest

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2016 at 10:53pm
Originally posted by oskrypuch oskrypuch wrote:

Does that help?

* Orest

Yes, thank you

Posted By: dpcraig
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 10:03am
Wondered if 10.2 will provide the capability to receive WX data from heads up technologies on the 440/540?


Posted By: 94S
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 11:57am

I've been head down all weekend doing the annual on my airplane and hadn't read the email or looked at the forum until this morning.  Now my head is spinning.  Awesome release!


Posted By: n7ifr
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 6:19pm
Cudos, Steve!!!

Here's a question on AGL derived altitudes on the 540's...

Flying along last night (very dark night VFR), noticed AGL on the 540's about 500' higher than Aspen MFD AGL.

Called Aspen Tech who says Aspen MFD AGL is derived from Pressure Altitude and calculated from the internal Jepp Terrain Data...

So, in the 540's, is AGL altitude derived from Pressure altitude, or GPS (WAAS) which is less accurate the higher above earth one is flying.


Tom Wolf

Posted By: TomG
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 6:22pm
Wondered if 10.2 will provide the capability to receive WX data from heads up technologies on the 440/540?

I'm thinking, in part, 10.2 and the IFD100 is going to be a replacement Stratus 2/Foreflight.  At lease that what I am guessing prior to seeing the package.

Tom G

Posted By: teeth6
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 6:31pm
As great as the IFD 100 sounds, I don't believe you can do weather and flight planning/filing with it as you do with Foreflight so I doubt it will replace it.

Posted By: TomG
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 6:40pm
Agreed, but getting a new route from ATC, might be a bunch easier to put in.  Really can't wait to see the rest of the story! Is the new IFD 550 going to feed the DFC90 autopilot?  Does the IFD 550 output data from the ARS system to feed other devices? 

Really hoping Avidyne will have people stacked 5 deep at the booth!

Tom G

Posted By: 310pilot
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 6:54pm
As awesome as the IFD 100 sounds I too am trying to figure out how it fits into my cockpit if I'm running foreflight. Will be anxious to see how people think it will be best used..

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 8:09pm
Yes, the IFD100 is kind of gee wiz interesting, but not sure the utility, especially if you are using a BT keyboard from your lap.

In any case, it is kind of academic for me, as it appears it is iOS only.

* Orest

Posted By: TomG
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 8:20pm
Really depends on how good the interface is.  But the Gee Wiz sells stuff.  And with luck, Foreflight will reverse engineer to provide an even better interface to us, and we all win.  Competition is drives the bus, and we all win.

All in all, I very happy I bought Avidyne over brand "G".  Not because Brand G is inferior, but the Avidyne interface is very good and I like it.  And to agree with others, this forum is one of the reasons I purchased "A", and everyone knows A is way in front of G ;).

Tom G

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 9:22pm
Originally posted by dpcraig dpcraig wrote:

Wondered if 10.2 will provide the capability to receive WX data from heads up technologies on the 440/540?

No, Rel does not support XMD-76/A from HUT.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2016 at 9:24pm
Originally posted by n7ifr n7ifr wrote:

Cudos, Steve!!!

Here's a question on AGL derived altitudes on the 540's...

Flying along last night (very dark night VFR), noticed AGL on the 540's about 500' higher than Aspen MFD AGL.

Called Aspen Tech who says Aspen MFD AGL is derived from Pressure Altitude and calculated from the internal Jepp Terrain Data...

So, in the 540's, is AGL altitude derived from Pressure altitude, or GPS (WAAS) which is less accurate the higher above earth one is flying.


Tom Wolf

The IFDs provide GPS MSL altitude and GPS AGL altitude.   

Steve Jacobson

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