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Flightplan for practice approaches

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: IFD 5 Series & IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Forum Description: Topics on Avidyne's IFD 5 Series and IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 8:44am
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Topic: Flightplan for practice approaches
Posted By: compasst
Subject: Flightplan for practice approaches
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 11:13am
One of the neatest features of the Avidyne IFDs is the ability to put in a complete flightplan for practicing approaches. In my region, I have several airports within a few minutes, making it easy to set up a round-robin to, say, three airports and shoot an approach at each. I file IFR (often doing this on a truly IFR day with CIG/VIS above mins but below vectoring altitude) and put in the comments section the sequence I wish to fly. When I fly with my fellow pilots in their airplanes that don't have Avidyne IFDs, they get frustrated and struggle with in-flight reprogramming.

Yesterday I was with a fellow in his non-Avidyne airplane, following along his round-robin on my Foreflight. Just like Garmin and King, Foreflight doesn't like round-robin flight plans. The problem with all these devices is that they presume the intermediate airports are waypoints at which landings are not anticipated, therefore approaches cannot be loaded for them. Furthermore, only Avidyne (to my knowledge) supports loading multiple approaches at one time - such a nice feature for IFR practice or training.

I have not yet used bi-directional communications with Foreflight and Avidyne IFDs - primarily because I file everything direct destination and let ATC modify it if they want (which they do less than 10% of the time on my numerous flights below 12,000 east of the Mississippi). 

Since Foreflight now integrates with Avidyne, I'm going to suggest to them that they allow a flightplan such as my round-robin with chosen approaches at each airport to be displayed properly on Foreflight - just as it is on the IFDs.

Tomorrow I am going to do some hangar flying and connect my Bluetooth keyboard and connect my Foreflight to my IFD through my Stratus 2S wireless, and once all that working, learn how to pass flightplans between the IFD and Foreflight. I'm also going to try using my new 

My question is - does anyone know what Foreflight does if I push a flightplan like my round-robin containing chosen approaches from the IFD to Foreflight?

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 11:33am
FF will generally only down load the flightplan, to the first airport.

* Orest

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 3:45pm
Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

One of the neatest features of the Avidyne IFDs is the ability to put in a complete flightplan for practicing approaches. In my region, I have several airports within a few minutes, making it easy to set up a round-robin to, say, three airports and shoot an approach at each. I file IFR (often doing this on a truly IFR day with CIG/VIS above mins but below vectoring altitude) and put in the comments section the sequence I wish to fly. When I fly with my fellow pilots in their airplanes that don't have Avidyne IFDs, they get frustrated and struggle with in-flight reprogramming.

This is a very neat feature of the IFDs, but it doesn't always work so well and it can be much more difficult to straighten out in an IFD than a Garmin when things start getting weird.  Sometimes you can't sequence an approach properly and the only way to fix it is to delete an approach to a previous airport, which is not very intuitive.  Some people put bogus waypoints between approaches all the time to try to work around this issue.  You have to do this prior to loading the approaches since you can't always load a waypoint between approaches.

Posted By: Craig767
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 8:08pm
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

One of the neatest features of the Avidyne IFDs is the ability to put in a complete flightplan for practicing approaches. In my region, I have several airports within a few minutes, making it easy to set up a round-robin to, say, three airports and shoot an approach at each. I file IFR (often doing this on a truly IFR day with CIG/VIS above mins but below vectoring altitude) and put in the comments section the sequence I wish to fly. When I fly with my fellow pilots in their airplanes that don't have Avidyne IFDs, they get frustrated and struggle with in-flight reprogramming.

This is a very neat feature of the IFDs, but it doesn't always work so well and it can be much more difficult to straighten out in an IFD than a Garmin when things start getting weird.  Sometimes you can't sequence an approach properly and the only way to fix it is to delete an approach to a previous airport, which is not very intuitive.  Some people put bogus waypoints between approaches all the time to try to work around this issue.  You have to do this prior to loading the approaches since you can't always load a waypoint between approaches.

Maybe I am missing something, but would you not just go direct to next airport or IAF after done with the current approach.

Posted By: ansond
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 9:13pm
That's what I do... I don't try to sequence my instrument currency as one long flight plan because, in reality, I don't fly that way... I'll go direct, then select an approach, etc... 

The IFD makes switching to the next airport so dang easy anyway... I don't think I would gain anything by trying to weave all of the airports and their approaches together... seems un-realistic thing to do imo.


Posted By: Bob H
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 10:11pm
Why push the FP with FF when the IFD100 will do it exactly how you want?


Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2018 at 10:14pm
Originally posted by Bob H Bob H wrote:

Why push the FP with FF when the IFD100 will do it exactly how you want?

Yes, I very seldom push a flight plan, it is so fast to enter into the IFD.

* Orest

Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2018 at 7:37pm
Originally posted by Craig767 Craig767 wrote:

Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

Originally posted by compasst compasst wrote:

One of the neatest features of the Avidyne IFDs is the ability to put in a complete flightplan for practicing approaches. In my region, I have several airports within a few minutes, making it easy to set up a round-robin to, say, three airports and shoot an approach at each. I file IFR (often doing this on a truly IFR day with CIG/VIS above mins but below vectoring altitude) and put in the comments section the sequence I wish to fly. When I fly with my fellow pilots in their airplanes that don't have Avidyne IFDs, they get frustrated and struggle with in-flight reprogramming.

This is a very neat feature of the IFDs, but it doesn't always work so well and it can be much more difficult to straighten out in an IFD than a Garmin when things start getting weird.  Sometimes you can't sequence an approach properly and the only way to fix it is to delete an approach to a previous airport, which is not very intuitive.  Some people put bogus waypoints between approaches all the time to try to work around this issue.  You have to do this prior to loading the approaches since you can't always load a waypoint between approaches.

Maybe I am missing something, but would you not just go direct to next airport or IAF after done with the current approach.

This doesn't always work.  If your alternate IAF shares a waypoint with the missed hold point from your original intended destination, the IFD sucks the IAF into the missed of the previous approach.  If you go direct to that waypoint, you'll loose the procedure turn.  The only way is to delete the previous approach.  It may not be a daily problem, but it's a gotcha hiding out there.  Having your alternate near your intended destination is not uncommon in areas with typical localized fog.

If you hit direct to the alternate while you are on the missed then set up an approach for the alternate, you'll have to turn the AP off while you set up the approach so it doesn't start pulling you off in the wrong direction and this essentially is the same as adding a bogus waypoint (the airport prior to the approach).

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2018 at 7:47pm
Originally posted by brou0040 brou0040 wrote:

If you hit direct to the alternate while you are on the missed then set up an approach for the alternate, you'll have to turn the AP off while you set up the approach so it doesn't start pulling you off in the wrong direction and this essentially is the same as adding a bogus waypoint (the airport prior to the approach).

It is often good practice to go into heading mode, when altering your flight plan, but I've not seen the behavior you outline above. 

When adding an approach, one of two things will happen. If already direct the airport, the approach will be added after the airport with another instance of the airport itself, so as not to disturb your current leg. If you are not direct the airport, then the approach will be added before the airport in sequence, and you will eventually need to tell the navigator how you want to transition from the last existing flight plan leg, to one of the approach segments.

Being able to load up multiple airports and approaches even on the ground, all in sequence is great when doing practice round robins. But, if you fly two consecutive approaches at the same airport, and those two approaches have a shared FAF and an approach point on the missed, it does require that you add an additional waypoint to logically separate them, else they will be joined as you say. It can be any waypoint. You won't actually fly that leg.

* Orest

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