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Introducing Vantage!

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: Vantage
Forum Description: Topics related to the Vantage line of PFD/MFDs
Printed Date: 08 Feb 2025 at 4:27pm
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Topic: Introducing Vantage!
Posted By: AviSteve
Subject: Introducing Vantage!
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2021 at 11:57am

Today Avidyne announced our new line of Flight Displays under the brand name Avidyne Vantage. To learn more about it visit

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: Aerochip
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2021 at 2:29pm
Displays look great and no doubt a CRT replacement is needed. 
Will the DFC90 be VNAV capable?  
On the Cirrus, is it essentially plug and play with existing wiring bundles or is major rewiring required? 
Will it support GTX345 traffic / FIS-B inputs? 

Posted By: HenryM
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2021 at 6:07pm
when will it be available for Cessna 182s

Posted By: MikeS
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2021 at 7:56pm
This version of Vantage is too large to fit in the dash of the 182. But who's to say we won't have something for everyone on the near future?

Posted By: paulr
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 8:54am
It's not plug-and-play but it doesn't sound like *that* much rewiring will be requires. From Aviation Consumer:

Quote ... while much of the existing wiring harnesses can be used, they require new interface connectors. And since the 12-inch Vantage displays are much larger than the Entegra displays they replace (they stand taller), shops will need to replace the instrument panel during installation.
Avidyne estimates that typical Cirrus installations might be accomplished in around 40 hours of shop time.

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 9:15am
Originally posted by Aerochip Aerochip wrote:

Displays look great and no doubt a CRT replacement is needed. 
Will the DFC90 be VNAV capable?  
On the Cirrus, is it essentially plug and play with existing wiring bundles or is major rewiring required? 
Will it support GTX345 traffic / FIS-B inputs?
Changes to the DFC90 would be required to take enroute VNAV inputs.
It is not a slide in replacement - panel and wiring changes are required.
It will support various sources of traffic and weather.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 9:16am
Originally posted by HenryM HenryM wrote:

when will it be available for Cessna 182s
I don't have an answer for that.  The first target is the Cirrus fleet, then others will follow.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: bruceflys
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 9:35am
My 2004 Cirrus G2 has a hybrid panel with both an EIS on an Entegra MFD and mechanical engine gauges.  Scaling off of the intro video pix, I estimate that the new larger MFD will intrude about one inch into the leftmost engine gauge.  Does Avidyne have a workaround for this interference or would I have to abandon the mechanical instruments πŸ™, which would presumably push up install costs?


Posted By: 94S
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 10:44am
Originally posted by AviSteve AviSteve wrote:

Originally posted by HenryM HenryM wrote:

when will it be available for Cessna 182s
I don't have an answer for that.  The first target is the Cirrus fleet, then others will follow.

When you add the C182s, will you include all models?  I ask because I fly a TR182.  When I looked into it a few years ago, the TR182, and all turbo 182s for that matter, were not on the AML for the DFC 90.  I looked at the product page for the DFC 90 yesterday, and the turbo 182s are still not listed as certified models.  I really hope that the turbo 182s are included in the certification of Vantage (and possibly adding them to the DFC 90 while you're at it).


Posted By: gremlin
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 2:26pm
The press stuff says it works with all engine monitor Cirrus models so I'm wondering as the other poster asked about the analog instruments is the plan that those are kept or removed?

 I'd imagine if you're taking those out and the Entegras there will probably be a measurable weight difference. Seems that since you get engine data on both displays you could still fly with a single failure (one advantage of the SIU planes is that you can fly with a broken MFD)

Posted By: ronl
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2021 at 7:25pm
Hi Steve,

I have an SR22 with IFD550 & 440, DFC90, Entegra 5000. Will the dual ADHRS replace the turn coordinator behind the panel and allow us to remove it?

Will the 3 backup analog instruments need to be retained also?

Thanks, Ron

Ron L

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 9:12am
Originally posted by bruceflys bruceflys wrote:

My 2004 Cirrus G2 has a hybrid panel with both an EIS on an Entegra MFD and mechanical engine gauges.  Scaling off of the intro video pix, I estimate that the new larger MFD will intrude about one inch into the leftmost engine gauge.  Does Avidyne have a workaround for this interference or would I have to abandon the mechanical instruments πŸ™, which would presumably push up install costs?

The panel in the video is a generic one.  We're still working on exact dimensions for the one that we'll cover in the STC.  There are a lot of variations in panel design out there and we'll do our best to cover as many cases as we can.  I realize that's not much of an answer, but it's the best I can do at this point.  Stay tuned.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 9:17am
Originally posted by ronl ronl wrote:

Hi Steve,

I have an SR22 with IFD550 & 440, DFC90, Entegra 5000. Will the dual ADHRS replace the turn coordinator behind the panel and allow us to remove it?

Will the 3 backup analog instruments need to be retained also?

Thanks, Ron
It is my understanding that the turn coordinator comparator is not used in the DFC STC anymore.  The backup analog instruments will be retained.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: D-EACY
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 10:46am
I was wondering about the following things:

- In a typical G2 like mine (2006, glovebox, IFD440, DFC90) where will the annunciator panel of the airplane go?

- will Avidyne design or even make a new panel? #

- Do you by chance know if the PFD will still have the "Arc View" option for the HSI I like so much?

Other than that I am clearly a potential customer and once it is certified and on the market i will most probably order it. 

2006 SR22-G2 DFC90 IFD440

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 11:13am
We were discussing these exact subjects earlier this morning.  Not quite sure where we are going to fit the annunciators yet, but we'll find a place.  Glovebox may have to be a little smaller.  With so many different preferences out there it's unlikely that Avidyne will make a panel, but we'll be creating CAD data to make it easy for fabricators.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: D-EACY
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 11:16am
Thanks, Steve!

Interesting, but I wonder who would actually MAKEa smaller glovebox, which is mainly the plastic box itself. 

I personally don't care about the glovebox so much. Instead there could be one or two USB ports there or something else.

Do you know if ARC VIEW (180 degrees) of the HSI will be available?

2006 SR22-G2 DFC90 IFD440

Posted By: Aerochip
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 11:20am
Originally posted by AviSteve AviSteve wrote:

Originally posted by Aerochip Aerochip wrote:

Displays look great and no doubt a CRT replacement is needed. 
Will the DFC90 be VNAV capable?  
On the Cirrus, is it essentially plug and play with existing wiring bundles or is major rewiring required? 
Will it support GTX345 traffic / FIS-B inputs?
Changes to the DFC90 would be required to take enroute VNAV inputs.
It is not a slide in replacement - panel and wiring changes are required.
It will support various sources of traffic and weather.

It would essentially be a DFC100 autopilot and another feature that may push some folks over the top. YD in the future would complete the wishlist (and maybe some bomber servos).  

Posted By: ansond
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2021 at 7:35pm
@AviSteve - do you happen to know if the Vantage system will operate entirely on the Essential Bus power only?  I am wondering if, in the case of having only the Essential bus on, that dual ahrs will be available and the DFC90 will continue to at least function as a flight director...

Thanks!  This upgrade looks like a no-brainer to me... can't wait to get mine!


Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2021 at 7:38pm
Originally posted by ansond ansond wrote:

@AviSteve - do you happen to know if the Vantage system will operate entirely on the Essential Bus power only?  ...
It's still a little early in the process for absolutes, so I guess we can say "it should be".

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: b2002
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2021 at 5:57am
Congratulations on the new product!

I have dual 540s in my 77 B55 Baron.  Are there any plans to offer a single screen solution for a) aircraft that do not have the panel space for two screens, b) twin-engine aircraft?  Will there be a 10" version which would replace a standard 6-pack much easier?

Also will the Vantage system integrate with 3rd-party autopilots or only the DFC90?  If the latter, will the DFC90 AML be expanded considerably?

Thank you

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2021 at 10:39pm
A lot of good questions there.

* Orest

Posted By: Melohn
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2021 at 12:39am
Any chance a single screen option to replace either the PFD or MFD would be considered? I’d like to move slowly towards the new displays, starting with upgrading to a IFD440 or two for starters, then adding the PFD with a split screen MFD capability, and finally replacing the MFD and associated round gauges.

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2021 at 11:05am
We're not ready to announce anything more than the Cirrus configurations at this point.  We are aware of the demand for installation on other platforms and that factors such as available panel space will have to be considered.

Best I can say is to keep your eyes open for further announcements once we get the first offering closer to the finish line.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: b2002
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2022 at 6:08pm
It’s been a year.  Wondering if the Vantage expansion to other aircraft is still moving along?

Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2022 at 7:14pm
We're still working on the Cirrus version.  But yes, we're still planning to expand the to other aircraft after that.

Steve Lindsley
Avidyne Engineering

Posted By: dopolinsky
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2024 at 9:49am
Perhaps we can revive this thread with a Certification Update from the company.  We do appreciate all the work that goes into certified avionics!

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2024 at 11:53am
If you want a Vantage, I would suggest you buy an appropriately equipped used Cirrus.  ;-)

It will certainly be a very nice unit.

* Orest

Posted By: rpostmo
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2024 at 10:35am

Posted By: dopolinsky
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2024 at 10:52am
An early Avidyne Integra eqquipped Cirrus SR22 has taken its place in history at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.  Congrats to Avidyne for being duly recognized for bringing glass to the piston single!  It is amazing that now nearly 25 years later Avidyne is developing an integrated product for the Cirrus fleet.  The only question is will they meet the "early 2024" certification goal?

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