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Synthetic Vision

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Entegra Release 9
Forum Name: Entegra Release 9 General Information
Forum Description: General discussion on the Entegra Release 9
Printed Date: 09 Feb 2025 at 5:49am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.01 -

Topic: Synthetic Vision
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Synthetic Vision
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2012 at 5:57pm
Where do we stand on getting Synthetic Vision.  As part of my purchase, many years ago, I am very frustrated with the delay.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2012 at 6:50pm
We definitely understand and share your frustration..  I don't have enough confidence in the schedule to provide a high-probability estimate.  We believe it is about the end of the year but there are still too many variables not in our control.

Several specific data points to help you form your own opinion:

1.  We haven't made any changes to SynVis in almost a year.
2.  The FAA takes their first flight evaluation tomorrow (2 Oct) in our SynVis equipped SR22 which I have up in MA.
3.  The FAA has tentatively scheduled their larger (approx 8 person) "MPSUE" evaluation of SynVis for the week of Halloween.

We simply don't know if those evaluations will induce any changes until they are complete.   I will provide updates on both milestones when they are accomplished.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2012 at 11:32am
(SynVis Progress Update - 3 Oct 2012) - We did have a successful flight with the FAA yesterday in the SynVis equipped cert aircraft.  This flight was for two of the local FAA ACO reps (1 pilot and 1 flight test engineer).  They are the project leads on behalf of the FAA and they had two purposes for the flight:   Familiarization flight to understand Avidyne SynVis; and determine if the system was ready for the wider FAA evaluation which they call the MPSUE.   A MPSUE stands for Multiple Person System Usability Evaluation and is essentially the FAA test that uses a "statistically significant" sample of FAA cert authorities and looks at the overall system integration, human factors issues, overall assessments of system usability and often compliance with various governing guidance.
The good news is that the FAA reps were pleased with the system and declared it ready for the fuller evaluation.
The bad news is that they believe the earliest they can accomplish the broader review is the last week of November (week of 26 November) and even that has some risk of slipping a week or so.
Avidyne does expect to have all of our TSO work completed and submitted prior to the MPSUE and we are trying to structure the complete STC/TSO submission package to be done by then so that the MPSUE is actually the last milestone in the certification process.   This will be an atypical approach and the first time we've tried that. It is at some risk but we're trying to get this system fielded as soon as feasible.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2012 at 3:07pm
(SynVis Progress Update - 14 Nov 2012) - The first half of the FAA "MPSUE" evaluation has begun.  We flew a 2.0 hour sortie today that was uneventful. (We want all these sorties to be "uneventful" and result in no findings that drive a change.)

We have two more flights scheduled for Thurs, 15 Nov and then a two-week gap until 28 Nov for the rest of the FAA pilots.  Will post updates when appropriate.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TheFlightstuff
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2013 at 9:15am
Is there any update on this?
I flew the system last year in a demo and it is absolutely awesome!

Flying in Europe? go to

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2013 at 12:18pm
Yes, I've been keeping the updates flowing in a different thread.

Check out" rel="nofollow -

and see if that does the trick for you.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: TheFlightstuff
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2013 at 1:03pm
Thank you. Will follow that thread.
Looks like you are making good progress now.

Flying in Europe? go to

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