Webinar - New 10.3 features
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Topic: Webinar - New 10.3 features
Posted By: oskrypuch
Subject: Webinar - New 10.3 features
Date Posted: 01 May 2022 at 3:02pm
Don't know if you saw it, a recording of it is likely available by now.
* Orest
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 01 May 2022 at 3:08pm
Was uploading the summary screens, but looks like the image uploader is broken, I keep getting file not found.
* Orest
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 01 May 2022 at 3:12pm
OK, here are some links ..
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 01 May 2022 at 3:13pm
A lot of solid new features, that will delight a number of folks I'm sure.
Only disappointment for me, is that the new VNav plotting capability is ONLY available on the IFD550, NOT the IFD540, nor the IFD440.
* Orest
Posted By: R0bst3r
Date Posted: 01 May 2022 at 7:42pm
Thanks for posting these. Does anyone have a link for the whole webinar?
Posted By: b2002
Date Posted: 02 May 2022 at 5:10am
oskrypuch wrote:
Only disappointment for me, is that the new VNav plotting capability is ONLY available on the IFD550, NOT the IFD540, nor the IFD440.
Can the VNAV output be displayed on other PFDs (from any IFD) or is the VNAV signal generation/display limited solely to the 550?
Posted By: jhbehrens
Date Posted: 02 May 2022 at 6:21am
Thanks Steve, 10.3 looks exciting!
There was no mention of any change to the requirement that RS232 inputs and outputs connected to the same port number need to use the same baud rate, as was the case with the current version. I remember when this was introduced, it wasn't published and a few people, including me, ran into trouble. Is this change reversed in 10.3?
Posted By: dfw11411
Date Posted: 02 May 2022 at 9:15am
Link to recorded webinar. Enter your info and it takes you to the video.
https://tinyurl.com/3zbuve2x" rel="nofollow - https://tinyurl.com/3zbuve2x
Posted By: paulr
Date Posted: 02 May 2022 at 9:24am
I was disappointed when I read this, so I went to watch the webinar (which I hadn't seen yet).
In the webinar, Mike said that you'd get VNAV guidance *on the SVS page* if you have an IFD545/550. He didn't say whether or not you get VNAV guidance *on a CDI or PFD* with it. That's still not clear to me-- do we know whether this will work?
Posted By: Aerochip
Date Posted: 02 May 2022 at 9:31pm
Looks like a lot of nice work!
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 May 2022 at 5:51pm
Being able to pipe portable sourced ADS-B data into the IFD is cool.
This requires setting the source to GDL90 format.
Normally you run a Stratus 3 NOT in GDL90 format, to work with ForeFlight. I'm wondering if setting the Stratus 3 to GDL90 format for the IFD, would result in losing sync with ForeFlight.
I have that question into Appareo.
* Orest
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 May 2022 at 7:15pm
oskrypuch wrote:
.....I'm wondering if setting the Stratus 3 to GDL90 format for the IFD, would result in losing sync with ForeFlight. |
And below is Appareo's answer, so you don't have control of the Stratus from FF any more, probably lose the attitude screen, but FF will work with Stratux for FIS/TIS, so should still be able to display the data.
* Orest
Thank you for your email. Yes, Stratus 3 can be run in Open ADS-B mode or Foreflight mode, but not both at the same time.
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 03 May 2022 at 11:53pm
And the answer from ForeFlight, looks like it is a no-go at the moment, if you want both, but there is perhaps some hope ....
* Orest
Thanks for your patience. Currently the Stratus 3 must be
in "ForeFlight" mode to provide any ADS-B data to ForeFlight. If the
Stratus 3 is in the "open" mode and you connect ForeFlight to its Wi-Fi
network, you will be promoted in ForeFlight to change the Stratus 3 to
"ForeFlight" mode. ForeFlight can receive "capstone" data from other devices however, provided they meed our Extended GDL90 spec: https://www.foreflight.com/connect/spec/" rel="nofollow - https://www.foreflight.com/connect/spec/ We're
discussing with Avidyne the functionality they're announced for 10.3,
specifically the ability for the IFD to receive ADS-B from portable
devices providing "capstone" data. We don't have anything specific to
announce at this time, but feel free to check back in the future. ForeFlight
Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 10:34am
paulr wrote:
I was disappointed when I read this, so I went to watch the webinar (which I hadn't seen yet).
In the webinar, Mike said that you'd get VNAV guidance *on the SVS page* if you have an IFD545/550. He didn't say whether or not you get VNAV guidance *on a CDI or PFD* with it. That's still not clear to me-- do we know whether this will work? |
No on the analog CDI. In order for a PFD to show enroute VNAV guidance, it needs to recognize the associated 429 labels. The only device we have found so far that supports it is a G5.
------------- Steve Lindsley Avidyne Engineering
Posted By: b2002
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 12:04pm
I have dual G5s and dual 540s. Will VNAV be displayed on the G5s without a 550?
Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 12:12pm
It wasn't clear to me how much of the TAWS improvements would apply to an IFD540. The illustrations in the webinar showed a 550, and there was some mention in the Q&A session that the 3-arcsecond upgrade was recommended (required?) to get the most out of those improvements.
So how would the 10.3 TAWS upgrades show up on a non-upgraded IFD540, if at all? What would the 3-arcsecond upgrade do to improve TAWS? Is the 3-arcsecond upgrade even an option for the 540, or is all this stuff only applicable to a 550?
Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 12:17pm
b2002 wrote:
I have dual G5s and dual 540s. Will VNAV be displayed on the G5s without a 550? |
------------- Steve Lindsley Avidyne Engineering
Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 12:29pm
MysticCobra wrote:
It wasn't clear to me how much of the TAWS improvements would apply to an IFD540. The illustrations in the webinar showed a 550, and there was some mention in the Q&A session that the 3-arcsecond upgrade was recommended (required?) to get the most out of those improvements.
So how would the 10.3 TAWS upgrades show up on a non-upgraded IFD540, if at all? What would the 3-arcsecond upgrade do to improve TAWS? Is the 3-arcsecond upgrade even an option for the 540, or is all this stuff only applicable to a 550?
3AS data is just higher resolution than the current database (which is 9AS). You'll get more detail on SVS and TAWS will have more points to look at. But, 3AS data takes up a lot of space, so you have to send the box in to upgrade memory. Even with that, you can't fit worldwide terrain, so it's provided in smaller regions (e.g. North America, Europe, etc.). 3AS is really good for helicopter installations because of their range and mission. It might not make as much sense for typical GA fixed wing missions. It is applicable to all IFDs, though, not just a 550.
------------- Steve Lindsley Avidyne Engineering
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 12:46pm
It strikes me as a shame that the cool new VNav feature will be unavailable to most of the IFD users out there. I'm sure it took some time and energy to develop.
Why not have a indicator bar along the right edge of the map screen (not just the 550-only SVS page), showing your position relative to path, and perhaps a +/- ft numeric at the top showing the precise offset. That is a common way to do it with many MFDs, and would allow everyone to make use of it.
Can this be considered for a future release?
* Orest
Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 1:46pm
oskrypuch wrote:
It strikes me as a shame that the cool new VNav feature will be unavailable to most of the IFD users out there. I'm sure it took some time and energy to develop.
Why not have a indicator bar along the right edge of the map screen (not just the 550-only SVS page), showing your position relative to path, and perhaps a +/- ft numeric at the top showing the precise offset. That is a common way to do it with many MFDs, and would allow everyone to make use of it.
Can this be considered for a future release?
* Orest
We thought long and hard about what to do in this regard. That kind of data really should be on a PFD. The egocentric SVS page makes sense, but not so much in other places. The real shame is that other systems, like PFDs, aren't open enough to just accept the data and show it. Rest assured that Vantage PFD will show it. I'm sure we'll keep talking about how to improve it on the IFD.
------------- Steve Lindsley Avidyne Engineering
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 2:02pm
Well, Boeing puts VPath indication on the ND (and PD), the little sliding bar on the right side with the magenta diamond. They have been in the trade, for a while.
The IFD is a navigation display (ND/MFD), and navigation is both lateral and vertical. This indication is an enroute one, for general navigation, and logically not the same as indications provided when on final approach on a PD. Other VPath indications like the TOD or required vertical descent rate or waypoint restrictions are shown on the IFD map, so really, why not the VPath indication.
Image from my original feature request, back in 2016. (BTW the arrows point to the fix circles -- another one of my requests)
http://www.avidynelive.com/feature-request-add-a-vnav-path-indicator_topic1030.html" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidynelive.com/feature-request-add-a-vnav-path-indicator_topic1030.html
Keep thinking on this!
We have the Banana (thanks), we may yet get the VNav path (for all), adding FIX circles would make it a trifecta! ;-)
* Orest
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 04 May 2022 at 11:45pm
... and really, if you were concerned about the propriety of having VNav path on the map page, you could make it a user controlled option, let the user decide for themselves. There is no downside.
To me, it makes no sense to restrict it.
* Orest
Posted By: ricardo
Date Posted: 05 May 2022 at 1:37am
oskrypuch wrote:
Being able to pipe portable sourced ADS-B data into the IFD is cool.
This requires setting the source to GDL90 format.
Normally you run a Stratus 3 NOT in GDL90 format, to work with ForeFlight. I'm wondering if setting the Stratus 3 to GDL90 format for the IFD, would result in losing sync with ForeFlight.
I have that question into Appareo.
* Orest
I think the way you will set up a Stratus 3i would be:
1 - Stratus 3i in open adsb mode. 2 - IFD enabling ADSB over WIFI.
Wx and traffic data will flow from the stratus to the IFD and then it will be rebroadcast from the IFD to foreflight.
So you will still be able to get Wx and Traffic on foreflight -- but it wont be coming from the stratus directly.
Posted By: paulr
Date Posted: 05 May 2022 at 7:26am
Thanks, Steve-- that's what I wanted to know. I don't mind not having the guidance on my analog CDI. Next year, insh'allah, I plan to put an Aspen in to replace my current CDI/HSI combo. Haven't even considered the G5 because I put it in 3rd place behind the Aspen and GI-275. Hopefully by the time I get a shop slot there will be some motion going on here.
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 05 May 2022 at 10:40am
I think the way you will set up a Stratus 3i would be:
1 - Stratus 3i in open adsb mode. 2 - IFD enabling ADSB over WIFI.
Wx and traffic data will flow from the stratus to the IFD and then it will be rebroadcast from the IFD to foreflight.
So you will still be able to get Wx and Traffic on foreflight -- but it wont be coming from the stratus directly.
I don't believe that the 10.3 firmware will rebroadcast any ADS-B data on WiFi.
FF advises that if it sees a Stratus 3 on the network, it will insist that it be switched to encrypted mode.
But as I posted upthread, FF is aware of the new IFD capability to receive on WiFi, and is looking at it. With portable uncertified gear they can react much more quickly.
* Orest
Posted By: ricardo
Date Posted: 05 May 2022 at 10:37pm
oskrypuch wrote:
I think the way you will set up a Stratus 3i would be:
1 - Stratus 3i in open adsb mode. 2 - IFD enabling ADSB over WIFI.
Wx and traffic data will flow from the stratus to the IFD and then it will be rebroadcast from the IFD to foreflight.
So you will still be able to get Wx and Traffic on foreflight -- but it wont be coming from the stratus directly.
I don't believe that the 10.3 firmware will rebroadcast any ADS-B data on WiFi.
FF advises that if it sees a Stratus 3 on the network, it will insist that it be switched to encrypted mode.
But as I posted upthread, FF is aware of the new IFD capability to receive on WiFi, and is looking at it. With portable uncertified gear they can react much more quickly.
* Orest
this should be simple enough to verify with 2 ipads and the IFD trainer. -- i'll try it next time i'm at my airplane (since thats where the Stratus 3i is at).
Posted By: PA23
Date Posted: 06 May 2022 at 10:02am
Probably too late to add it to the 10.3 software but to put the Stratus into open mode is to send the following HEX string via a broadcast message:
C253FF5601016E37 directed port 41500 (obviously UDP as a broadcast implies that)
Maybe this can be added to a future revision as there are a lot of Stratus 3 units out there?
Posted By: AviLance
Date Posted: 06 May 2022 at 11:43am
We did not want to force the Stratus 3 into open ADS-B mode from the panel mounted unit. However, if you turn on "WIFI ADS-B Support" in the IFD100 app - that will send out the broadcast message you described and switch the mode automatically.
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 06 May 2022 at 12:49pm
AviLance wrote:
We did not want to force the Stratus 3 into open ADS-B mode from the panel mounted unit. However, if you turn on "WIFI ADS-B Support" in the IFD100 app - that will send out the broadcast message you described and switch the mode automatically. |
That was very wise. From what the ForeFlight folks tell me (and no doubt you are aware) that would make the FF app unhappy. If it sees a Stratus 3 on the network, it will not pull its "open" data stream, and advise that you need to change the Stratus 3 to proprietary mode!
In any case, they also noted that they are aware of the new 10.3 feature (plotting WiFi ADS-B data), but had "no announcement to make at present".
* Orest
Posted By: Spongebob38
Date Posted: 08 May 2022 at 10:48pm
Where can I find the "Software Release Form" mentioned in the webinar? I have searched the site but can only find the one for the Entegra EX5000 MFD [ https://techsupport.avidyne.com/kb/article/754-entegra-ex5000-mfd-software-request-form/" rel="nofollow - Entegra EX5000 MFD; Software Request Form - Avidyne Dealer Support ]
Posted By: AviSteve
Date Posted: 08 May 2022 at 10:59pm
You may be referring to this?
https://pilotsupport.avidyne.com/kb/article/659-ifd-5xx-4xx-software-update-10-2-6-1-update-instructional-video-for-loading/" rel="nofollow - https://pilotsupport.avidyne.com/kb/article/659-ifd-5xx-4xx-software-update-10-2-6-1-update-instructional-video-for-loading/
------------- Steve Lindsley Avidyne Engineering
Posted By: Toadpilot
Date Posted: 10 May 2022 at 6:35am
With 10.3, for an IFD 550 connected to a RDR 2000/2100 weather radar, will the 550 provide the necessary attitude information to the RDR to enable radar stabilization? I know this was discussed on previous threads as a 10.3 feature, but I did not see it mentioned in the 10.3 presentation.
------------- Jeff Hullinger 1964 Piper PA-30 N97VP IFD550/IFD440/EX500/AMX240/ RDR2100/GMX345/GDL69A/ SKY497/STEC60-2/G5 AI/G5 HSI
Posted By: b2002
Date Posted: 10 May 2022 at 8:05am
Toadpilot wrote:
With 10.3, for an IFD 550 connected to a RDR 2000/2100 weather radar, will the 550 provide the necessary attitude information to the RDR to enable radar stabilization? I know this was discussed on previous threads as a 10.3 feature, but I did not see it mentioned in the 10.3 presentation. |
My understanding was that the 550 could stabilize an RDR2000/2100 prior to 10.3.
I had considered upgrading a 540 to a 550 for that reason but decided on using a GI 275 instead.
Posted By: Toadpilot
Date Posted: 10 May 2022 at 9:26am
From my research and discussions on this forum, the 550 with current software is not an approved source for attitude information for RDR stabilization. From prior discussions, the 550 AHRS has the capability to provide the necessary attitude information to the RDR, so it was supposed to be added as an approved source for the RDR with 10.3.
------------- Jeff Hullinger 1964 Piper PA-30 N97VP IFD550/IFD440/EX500/AMX240/ RDR2100/GMX345/GDL69A/ SKY497/STEC60-2/G5 AI/G5 HSI
Posted By: skitheo
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2022 at 4:23pm
jhbehrens wrote:
Thanks Steve, 10.3 looks exciting!
There was no mention of any change to the requirement that RS232 inputs and outputs connected to the same port number need to use the same baud rate, as was the case with the current version. I remember when this was introduced, it wasn't published and a few people, including me, ran into trouble. Is this change reversed in 10.3? |
I believe that problem with asymmetric baud rates was addressed in or earlier.
Posted By: R0bst3r
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2022 at 11:07am
Posted By: skitheo
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2022 at 1:21pm
Very funny!!! It feels like that. I also feel for Avidyne and the rest of the smaller avionics manufacturers who do not have dedicated DERs. I.e. Dynon, Aspen, JPI, EI, Genesys, Trio, etc. Considering it took the FAA 2 years to fix an RNAV LP approach that they screwed up at the home airport of Dutch Bros which was in Pete DeFazio's district, I'm not terribly surprised. Yeah, I know it's a different part of the FAA...
PS: the only other approach published for that airport has a MDA which is usually above the clouds.
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2022 at 9:00am
Maybe it's time to rerun the webinar, if only to reset the timeline on page 3 ("Weeks, not months!"), given that the presentation was at the end of April ;-)
------------- Vince