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Autopilot Inop.

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: DFC90/DFC100 Digital Autopilot
Forum Description: Topics on the Avidyne DFC Digital Autopilots
Printed Date: 09 Feb 2025 at 6:27am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.01 -

Topic: Autopilot Inop.
Posted By: icordoba
Subject: Autopilot Inop.
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2024 at 11:03am
I have this problem in my EXP5000 (DFC90 in a Cirrus SR22)

The PFD recently returned for re-check from Avidyne after it failed to work with the DFC90 (for this problem) but the problem is shown again.

The AHRS i working normally (no red cross) 
We know the DFC90 and cabling are  OK as we have checked again installing the EXP5000 from another Cirrus and it works ok but when we install back the original PFD it won't work showing this error... it's like if the DFC90 recognises this PFD and shows the error...

will that timeout? Is there anyway to reset the errors in the DFC90? We believe both work OK but it was a momentary problem when reconfiguring the screen.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Posted By: whiskykilo1
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2024 at 3:15am

in my opinion this is an old and well-known problem.

I have an Aspen but the error message is the same.

The solution is to wait until the PFD (AHRS) has booted up.
Only then can you turn on the DFC90, which needs a valid AHRS signal.

EASA registered Beech Bonanza F33A located in EDKB Hangelar/Germany, Aspen 1000 EFD, 2 x IFD540

Posted By: icordoba
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2024 at 3:37am
thanks for your reply. We have tried that but in our case it turned out that it is a problem with the PFD that is not correctly sending the AHRS signal through the corresponding out port. That is why when we replace the PFD with another one, everything works. We are still trying to find an arrangement with Avidyne to have the PFD replaced.


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