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Side Tone Adjustment

Printed From: Avidyne
Category: Avidyne General
Forum Name: IFD 5 Series & IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Forum Description: Topics on Avidyne's IFD 5 Series and IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
Printed Date: 27 Mar 2025 at 7:39pm
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Topic: Side Tone Adjustment
Posted By: SB Jim
Subject: Side Tone Adjustment
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2015 at 2:00pm


Is there a means to adjust the side tone output for the COM radio in the IFD 540?

I've got that feature on my CNX 80 and find it very useful.

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2015 at 2:08pm
Correct, no side tone adjustment in the 540.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: SB Jim
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2015 at 2:39pm


Thank you for the quick response.

Any chance that can be added in the future?

Regards, Jim

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2015 at 2:40pm
Some chance but we don't perceive this as a problem at this time.  Do you or anyone have any experience to the contrary with the IFD540?

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: SB Jim
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2015 at 4:51pm

Hi Jake,

A G36 Bonanza owner has reported "very low side tone" with his 540. KMA 24 audio panel.

I've got a GMA 340 audio panel and should find out in 2 weeks if the side tone is adequate for me.

Regards, Jim

Posted By: Don
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2015 at 11:41pm
Unfortunately this doesn't have to do with the sidetone but with the "aural" from the 540. Went out tonight and was practicing on ILS LOC approaches and GPS approaches .. I had the TOD marker and the CAS tab that popped up ... but i couldn't get that pretty doorbell chime like the simulator, into the headsets. Could that be in the 10.0.1 update ?? and is the doorbell chime at TOD, the same thing as the TOD aural that is in the update?? If so that would answer my question. Also I thought I read on the forum someone saying the add of the aural FAF was a really nice add on to the system for 10.0.1 as well. Not sure if I misread that somewhere. Audio panel is a GMA 340. The box works extremely well, I am coming from a KLN 94 GPS and three flights on the IFD and I am ten times more proficient and better than ever I was, on the KLN. Couldn't be happier !!!! well, if i had a doorbell chime in the airplane I would be happiest !!! :-)

Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2015 at 6:32am
I have had the TOD aural since the early test versions of the software, so it is in,, and production software. All you need is the IFD connected to an audio input to the GMA340 for it to work. The chime occurs when the CAS message appears, about 10 seconds from actual descent and counts down to 0 with the final message "begin descent now".

If you like the chime, you will love the 500ft callout.

Posted By: Don
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2015 at 7:33am
Well it seems I need to keep messing with settings on IFD  or buttons on the GMA ... for some reason I am not getting that... Ill keep trying ... thanks, if not when the 440 goes in can fix it then for sure  

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2015 at 8:38am
Originally posted by Don Don wrote:

I had the TOD marker and the CAS tab that popped up ... but i couldn't get that pretty doorbell chime like the simulator, into the headsets. Could that be in the 10.0.1 update ?? and is the doorbell chime at TOD, the same thing as the TOD aural that is in the update?? If so that would answer my question.

The TOD chime is the doorbell chime you talk about.  Look on the User Options page for an entry called "Top of Descent (TOD) Aural".  Check to make sure it's set to On.  That is the factory default setting so it *should* be good already.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2015 at 9:02am
Originally posted by Don Don wrote:

Well it seems I need to keep messing with settings on IFD  or buttons on the GMA ... for some reason I am not getting that... Ill keep trying ... thanks, if not when the 440 goes in can fix it then for sure  

And just to confirm, you DID wire the audio wire pair from the IFD540 to an unswitched input on your audio panel? That wire would NOT be there in a GNS530 install.

* Orest

Posted By: Don
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2015 at 11:14am
Thanks so much for the replies !!!
First I will double check the ifd settings. Make sure that's set to ON.
also called the avionics shop to make sure that audio wire pair is installed and done correctly.
Thanks for the help Jake and Orest !!! Will follow up

Posted By: Don
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 2:04am

And just to confirm, you DID wire the audio wire pair from the IFD540 to an unswitched input on your audio panel? That wire would NOT be there in a GNS530 install.

It seems it was in the wiring not being hooked up... will get fixed when 440 comes in unless they get an open spot in the shop ... thanks for the help !!!! 

Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 5:10am

Steve, I think this could be clarified better in the IFD540 install manual.  Yes there is a wrote up about it in the TAWS section, but no one reads.  The installers are just looking at the wring diagrams in the appendix.  If you could add those wires to the figure D-13 "Audio Panel interconnect", I think this would help. 

I was fortunate, my installer was outstanding going through all the install manuals page by page with me as we planned out the integration effort, insuring everything was going to work like I wanted it to, but I doubt most shops will do that. 

Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 8:18am
My shop missed it, too.

Posted By: Leonard
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 12:50pm
Originally posted by MysticCobra MysticCobra wrote:

My shop missed it, too.


Posted By: rolfe_tessem
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 7:19pm
I think mine did too...

Posted By: Don
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 7:49pm
When I called they looked in the install manual and the wires for the "audible" into the 340 were I believe designated TAWS aural... since I dont have a TAWS it went into the not required category and didn't get connected to the "unswithced input".. when I explained it to them, it all made sense and they apologized profusely !!! It will be done next trip in tho .. maybe at 440 install 

Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 12 Mar 2015 at 8:03pm

Then your installer doesn't understand what they are installing.  tell them to read page 26 of the install manual.  It says:

"If the unit being replaced was not a TAWS-enabled device, or if the TAWS Audio output signals were not already connected to the aircraft audio panel(s), then some additional wiring will be required from the IFD5XX tray to the aircraft audio panel(s) as identified in Section 6.11.1 in order to supply IFD5XX terrain alerting audio (FLTA functionality) and TOD chime to the headsets. If the unit being replaced was a TAWS-enabled device used for 91/135 TAWS compliance, the IFD5XX cannot be installed without a separately installed EGWPS/TAWS unit "

Steve, you see my point?

Posted By: Craig767
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2015 at 11:53am
Speaking of TAWS, any way to test it other than flying at a object?

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2015 at 6:00pm
Originally posted by tony tony wrote:

Steve, I think this could be clarified better in the IFD540 install manual.  Yes there is a wrote up about it in the TAWS section, but no one reads.  The installers are just looking at the wring diagrams in the appendix.  If you could add those wires to the figure D-13 "Audio Panel interconnect", I think this would help. 

I was fortunate, my installer was outstanding going through all the install manuals page by page with me as we planned out the integration effort, insuring everything was going to work like I wanted it to, but I doubt most shops will do that. 

Section 2.2 of the IFD540 Install Manual (Rel accompanied one that was released last month) was created exactly for this reason:

2.2    Optional Installation Features

This section summarizes optional features that may require extra wiring.



Reference Section for Installation Details

Audio Panel Aurals

Allows IFD5XX produced aural alerts (e.g. FLTA terrain alerts, Top of Descent alerts, 500’ callouts, etc) to be heard in the headsets.

Section 6.11.1

Transponder Support

Allows IFD5XX GPS position transmission to the transponder for ADS-B operation and IFD5XX Air/Ground output to the transponder for automatic Ground-Alt transition.

Section 6.12

Com Presets

Enables external command (e.g. yoke-mounted button) to select frequencies in the com preset list to be loaded into the #1 Standby com slot.


Com Frequency Active-Standby Swap

Enables external command (e.g. yoke-mounted button) to swap the Active and #1 Standby com frequencies.


Nav Frequency Active-Standby Swap

Enables external command (e.g. yoke-mounted button) to swap the Active and #1 Standby nav frequencies.


Synchro Heading Input

Allows the IFD5XX to take heading data in via synchro protocol.

Section 6.1.2

Standby Com Monitor

Allows the com frequency in the #1 standby slot to be heard in the headsets when installed with a compatible audio panel (e.g. Avidyne AMX240).


Table 17: Optional Installation Features

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2015 at 6:03pm
Originally posted by Craig767 Craig767 wrote:

Speaking of TAWS, any way to test it other than flying at a object?

Almost.  As part of Release, we added a feature that when you adjust the Aural Alerts volume bar on the Audio tab, the aural plays in your headset so you can both verify it's wired correctly, and set the volume to your personal desired level.

Steve Jacobson

Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2015 at 6:51pm
Steve, you're missing my point.  Most shops don't read, they just look at the wiring diagrams in the appendix.  What I'm saying is you need to show the wires in the wiring diagram for the audio panel; identify it as optional there too.

Posted By: SB Jim
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2015 at 9:45am

My 540 / 340 installation was completed last Friday. I took a trip from SoCal to Tucson and back since then.

I find the 540 side tone volume to be too low (I have a GMA 340 audio panel that works great in all respects). This issue is specific to the Avidyne (my CNX 80 allows me to adjust the side tone volume).

It's not inaudible, it's just lower than normal and takes some adjustment. I would really like to adjust it louder if possible.

Regards, Jim

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