Spent some time refreshing myself on our dimming schemes. Here is a long-winded version/explanation that I've cut and pasted from an internal white paper I wrote on the topic (expect the formatting to be sub-optimal):
Dimming Controls Background and Description
We agree that the dimming controls when not set to “User
Control” are hard to use/understand. It
took us quite a while ourselves to understand it as we developed it.
The reason all the parameters exist and the complicated
relationship between them exists is that our premise when designing the
lighting controls was that there were 140,000 installed 530s and 430s and that
installers (and owners) have been using them for many years and would be
familiar with it. Rather than inventing a whole new scheme, we chose to use the
one that we thought the dealer and owner market have been using and learned.
Had we designed our own, there would have been no way we
would have picked this. Nevertheless,
it’s what we chose and what we now have.
We did add the 2nd curve (the “AviCurve”) at my
insistence since if I really were using the cockpit dimming rheostat(s) control
to set cockpit dimming, a typical behavior would be to set it full off in
daytime flying. In that case, I wouldn’t
want my bezel and display to be fully dimmed, hence that jump up to full
daytime brightness when the dimming rheostat is very low.
As a review, here is an excerpt from the 540/440
Installation Manual for dimming controls below.
I’ve highlighted an important section that talks about the transition
point and a recommended technique to use to avoid one operational gotcha that
some folks have noted when they have the “Mx Input” field = Photocell:
IFD540/440 Installation Manual snippet +++++++++++++++++++++++++
The source of the lighting for the IFD5XX/4XX can be the
bezel photocell sensor or the dimming bus.
28VDC, 14VDC, 5VDC and 5VAC dimming buses are all supported and are
automatically detected by the IFD5XX/4XX. 
Figure 14: Main Lighting Configuration
Photo Response Time
Sets the speed at which the brightness changes when
photocell is selected as the lighting source. Both the Bezel and Display fields
have a range of 1 to 5, and the factory default is 3.
Photo Slope
The Photo Slope sets the sensitivity of the display/bezel to
changes in the input when the dimming source is the IFD5XX/4XX photocell. This
field has a range of 15 to 100, and the factory default is 80.
Photo Minimum
The Photo Minimum sets the minimum brightness when the
dimming source is the photocell. Both the Bezel and Display fields have a range
of 1 to 50, and the factory default is 1.
Photo Maximum
The Photo Maximum sets the maximum brightness when the
dimming source is the photocell. Both
the Bezel and Display fields have a range of 50 to 100, and the factory default
is 100.
dimBus Transition %
dimBus Transition % sets the threshold where the aircraft dimming bus takes
over from the photocell. Below this threshold, the aircraft dimmer controls the
IFD5XX/4XX lighting. Both the Bezel and Display fields have a range of 0 to
100, and the factory default is 10.
If it is not desired to hand brightness control over to the dimming bus from
the photocell at any point, set dimBus Transition % to 0 (zero). Doing so will prevent the scenario where, in
increasingly darker environments (e.g. flying past sunset into dark night), the
display automatically dims and dims and dims and then suddenly jumps to bright.
dimBus Slope
The dimBus Slope sets the sensitivity of the display/bezel
to the aircraft dimmer. Both the Bezel and Display fields have a range of 15 to
100, and the factory default is 60.
dimBus Minimum
The dimBus Minimum sets the minimum brightness when the
aircraft dimmer is the dimming source. Both the Bezel and Display fields have a
range of 1 to 50, and the factory default is 1.
dimBus Maximum
The dimBus Maximum sets the maximum brightness when the
aircraft dimmer is the dimming source.
Both the Bezel and Display fields have a range of 50 to 100, and the
factory default is 100.
dimBus Curve
The dimBus Curve sets the aircraft dimming bus to either a
Proportional Curve or AviCurve on the IFD5XX/4XX.
The Proportional Curve tracks the aircraft lighting bus as
follows: Maximum night lighting at maximum aircraft lighting bus voltage,
Minimum night lighting at minimum aircraft lighting bus voltage (linear
The AviCurve tracks the aircraft dimming bus as follows: 
Figure 15: Lighting Curve - AviCurve 
Figure 16: Lighting Curve -
Proportional Curve
Value displayed represents the current % brightness of the
bezel backlighting
Value displayed represents
the current % brightness of the display backlighting
Mx Input
Photocell – Maintenance
Mode will use this method if selected.
This is the default setting. This setting uses the Photocell on the
IFD5XX/4XX bezel or display.
dimBus – Maintenance Mode
will use this method if selected. This setting uses the aircraft lighting
buss to control the lightning of the bezel or display.
Table 83: Lighting Bus Configuration
Dimming Bus
The section will calibrate the IFD5XX/4XX to the aircraft
avionics lighting bus.
dimBus Type
DC – select this option if the dimming bus is a DC bus.
AC – select this option if the dimming bus is an AC bus.
The IFD needs to know the bus type in order to alter
internal configuration as well as properly perform the calibration.
dimBus Max Voltage
Sets the maximum aircraft dimming bus voltage. Range is 0
– 28V.
dimBus Min Voltage
Sets the minimum aircraft
dimming bus voltage. Range is 0 – 28V.
Table 84: Lighting Bus Configuration
To calibrate the dimming bus:
- Select desired dimBus Type;
- Select the dimBus Max Voltage field;
- Push the right bezel knob;
- Set the dimming bus to the maximum value
(e.g. full clockwise position on dimming rheostat);
- Push the right bezel knob to store;
Repeat the process for the minimum value (use full
counter-clockwise position of rheostat)
End of IFD540/440 Installation Manual snippet +++++++++++++++++++++
We are aware of two operational issues that folks have
noticed/squawked about in the time the IFD540 has been fielded.
One of the questions/scenarios folks are asking is why a
100% slope value doesn’t result in 100% brightness value. This was intentionally done through a lot of
empirical testing in a darkroom and during night flight tests. However, field experience has shown a wider
breadth of aircraft lighting configurations than had been anticipated and we are
looking into making a change in the software in an upcoming release to enhance the behavior of the
AviCurve. In that potential change,
setting a dimBus slope of 100 will result in maximum brightness instead of the
21%ish that can currently be achieved.
This should achieve the desired curve at the beginning of this thread
(copied below for completeness). 
The second operational gotcha observed is an
unexpected/undesired flashing or sudden increase of display/bezel brightness as
the dimming bus controls (e.g. rheostat) are adjusted lower. That is covered by the bold
text above and can be avoided by adjusting the dimBus Transition % parameter
down close to, or at, zero.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com