IFD540 Draft Pilot Guide Available
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Forum Description: Topics on Avidyne's IFD 5 Series and IFD 4 Series Touch Screen GPS/NAV/COM
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Topic: IFD540 Draft Pilot Guide Available
Posted By: AviJake
Subject: IFD540 Draft Pilot Guide Available
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 3:01pm
Hi all,
I've just posted a draft of the IFD540 Pilot Guide at:
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
I had some formatting challenges when converting it to pdf that I'll clean up in the near future. Some pagination got screwed up (you'll see I highlighted some of those page number errors in yellow) and I see some page rippling happened in Section 6. The Index is also incomplete from a page numbering perspective.
When I posted draft versions of the Transponder and Audio Panel pilot guides, I received a lot of terrific feedback on ways to improve those docs that I incorporated so I'm hoping for the same here.
I view the content of this doc as 100% complete so have at it....
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 3:03pm
BTW, you'll note the very last page of the posted doc has a date identifying the specific draft so as I post new updated variants, you'll be able to tell from that last page.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 4:10pm
I'm travelling right now, but really looking forward to having a look at it tomorrow.
* Orest
Posted By: MikeK
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 4:40pm
Super! This goes right onto the iPad for reading!
Posted By: AzAv8r
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 4:56pm
Awesome! My wife and I will start studying.
Posted By: MikeK
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 5:07pm
Hah! Nice touch making the USB port available for device charging. That's a handy feature in case the iPad's battery runs low...
Posted By: roltman
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 5:39pm
In chapter 5 the CDI knob is described; however, there is no description of it's use in or the activation of HDG mode? However table on p151/198 describes transitions from HDG mode. Is there a missing description, functionality that has been removed but not undocumented or did I just miss that section? It mentions data updates are >15 minute via the USB in the aircraft? I assume the unit's comm radio can be used during this phase? I'd also think making the checklists functionality available while updating would be a smart idea. -ryan
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 6:54pm
Mike K - Yah, I use the Ipad on every flight and the charge is very handy.
Roltman - I'll take a look but we had to remove the HDG mode from the Nav Source knob several months ago when we hit FAA cert friction - didn't want to jeopardize the schedule because of it. I'll clean up the inconsistency. As far as being able to use the rest of the IFD when updating via the USB port, no I'm afraid that can't be done. When you are using the USB to update data, you are in Mx Mode and that means the operational stuff like comm radio and checklists are not accessible.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: roltman
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 9:50pm
I'll take a look but we had to remove the HDG mode from the Nav Source knob several months ago when we hit FAA cert friction - didn't want to jeopardize the schedule because of it. I'll clean up the inconsistency. |
I must have missed the announcement months ago as this is extremely unfortunate. I hope it is not insurmountable friction, and still a high priority feature for an update.
Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 10:11pm
Chapter 6 page numbering is AFU.
Posted By: Lyndons
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 10:14pm
Steve, My comments on your guide. Can't really speak to content without trying out the box.
1. I had a hard time with term LSK. After reading much of the Guide you beat it into me so I get it. Still don't like it. I think it might be a confusing term for some. Maybe better graphics to explain what a LSK is would help. The terms, TAB and SIDE TAB are self explanatory.
2. Did't like your graphics where you circled items. A little busy and see page 1.7
Everything else seemed to make sense. Good job! Btw Nice job of restraint with the IFD540 status update board. Thanks for tweet.
Don V
------------- DV
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 10:24pm
On page 1-13, I need clarification..... It’s stated “Morse code decoded nav frequency
identifier are displayed in each com/nav frequency slot.” From this statement I am assuming that when
the station identifier is displayed, it is not coming from an internal database
but rather the Morse code is decoded by the receiver circuitry and I no longer
have to manually listen to the Morse ID then, right? I am
also assuming that until the Morse signal is decoded nothing will be displayed
in the text field, right?
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 10:36pm
On page 1-25. please define dual IFDs. Does that mean two IFD540's or could that mean one IFD540 and one IFD440?
Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 11:59pm
Many thanks, Steve--it's like an early Christmas present!
Some notes for chapter 1: - p.1-11, "COM-NAV" para, last sentence: "The radio can act as a 16 watt or 10 watt transmitter." This makes it sound like a user-selectable option, perhaps via a settings menu somewhere. I think, though, that the radio is delivered with either a 10W or a 16W transmitter (and that the 16W option costs more than a thousand dollars). Suggest rephrasing to clarify.
- p. 1-11, last para:
- "...when the bezel Frequency Swap button is pressed..." If this is the button with the up/down arrow icon on it just above the USB port, this is the first time it's been called a "Frequency Swap" button. On p. 1-7, this button is labeled in the graphic as the "Com/Nav Swap" button, but then called the "Active/Standby Swap" button in the bullet list right below the graphic. Not only do I not know what the proper name of this button is, it has not yet been explained how this button knows whether I want to swap the Com or the Nav freq when I push it.
- "In the example above where the user has set up 4 com slots to be displayed..." I don't see an example above. There are three examples on p. 1-12 (which would be "below"), but none of them have 4 com slots displayed.
- p. 1-13, "Tuning", first para: So, if I start spinning the manual knobs to change a freq as described, which of the various freq slots will be affected? Same question for the 3rd and 4th paragraphs. (I.e., how do I tell the IFD which of the com or nav slots I want to change before I use any of those tuning methods, or which slot does it target by default?)
- p. 1-16, 17, "Power Control" and "Start-Up Sequence". Seems odd that this comes sort of in the middle of the "general operations" section. Personally, I'd put these at the top of the "GENERAL IFD OPERATIONS" section, either before or immediately after the BEZEL LAYOUT. But maybe you've got focus group input that says your sequencing of info is better, I dunno.
- p. 1-20, NOTE box: Consider spelling out "Vectors to Final", and maybe specifying "IFR approach" for the benefit of VFR-only pilots who may be unfamiliar with these terms. (Maybe FAF, too, though by that point a VFR-only pilot should have figured out this is all IFR stuff that can be ignored, and IFR pilots will understand.)
Posted By: wsh
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 2:23am
Having just read through the whole manual I must admit .... damn am I happy I went for this unit.
A few remarks ..
when in gps approach mode it says it will only display the approaches available with the current gps integrity.. I would like to see the integrity also displayed??
a hint was given by Avidyne Sales that some sort of connected panel feature would be included... alas I see no reference whatsoever??
Will it also display the vfr reporting points in Europe? Are they in the database of Jeppesen?
And last but not least .. Looking through the weather pages it is a huge mistake that the MLX is not supported at first release .. it would have made the system so much better.. I truly hope we do not have to wait another 2 years...
Posted By: FORANE
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 6:33am
roltman wrote:
I'll take a look but we had to remove the HDG mode from the Nav Source knob several months ago when we hit FAA cert friction - didn't want to jeopardize the schedule because of it. I'll clean up the inconsistency. |
I must have missed the announcement months ago as this is extremely unfortunate. I hope it is not insurmountable friction, and still a high priority feature for an update.
So "remove the HDG mode from the Nav Source knob"...does this mean HDG mode is gone entirely? I was hoping when assigned vectors and the autopilot is coupled the the IFD, I could enter the vector in the IFD and the autopilot would comply. Is HDG mode out?
------------- Lancair 235/320 RV-9A
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 7:45am
Terrain alerting (pages 3-16 to 3-20): Is the terrain alerting function complaint or
not complaint to TSO-151b? If it is an
TAWS system, what class? Is the terrain database part of the 28 day cycle
or is it a separate database that only needs updating once every few
years. Where does this database come
from, Avidyne? Is it user loadable or do we need to go to an authorized dealer
for updating? Please clarify that the “obstacles”
referred to in the terrain database are buildings, cell towers, etc.
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 8:07am
Page 3-24. If the IFD
540 is not a multi-sensor DO-236 FMS, why would you include RNP approaches in
the database? In a configuration with
two IFD 540s sharing data with each other, is there an upgrade path to support
RNP alerting and RNP approaches?
Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 9:31am
Congrats on getting this out. Looks like progress.
------------- David Gates
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 11:16am
Thank you to everyone who has sent feedback - this is exactly the type of improvement stuff I was hoping for. I'll make an update to reflect these comments and those that I've gotten via direct email in the coming days and post when that update is available. Please keep them coming.
As for some of the open questions in this thread:
The pulling of HDG mode from the IFD Nav Source options is not insurmountable and it is still our intention to add it back in when we can. It was approaching "saga" status with the FAA which resulted in our decision to pull it for now. The gist of the FAA argument was "mode confusion" in that the Nav Source on the IFD could indicate "HDG" but the autopilot might be in something like "GPSS" or "NAV". An understandable concern on the part of the FAA. When combined with a number of corner cases and some difficultly in even getting heading data passed back and forth between the IFD and a number of legacy systems, it made the most sense to pull it for now. There are some vestiges still in for the initial release. For example, if we get selected heading input from an EFIS or high-end CDI, a heading bug does show up on the map compass rose and is responsive to any change made to selected heading by the pilot on the external heading set device.
As for Morse Code decoding, this is only applicable to Nav radios. The Com radio frequency decoding is 100% database lookup dependent. The Nav radio decoding and display of channel ID does count for Tune-Identify-Monitor tasks that you would normally otherwise have to do. If you see the decoded nav station id, then the T-I-M task has been accomplished (I guess you technically need to periodically look to see it's still there as part of the Monitor side). If it's not decoded, then no characters show up in that space.
"Dual IFD" does mean 540-540, or 540-440, or 440-440.
10W vs 16W is indeed a selection made at time of purchase and the unit will come from the factory as either a 10W or 16W unit and it's not something that can be field or user changed/tweaked.
On the manual tuning question, it's whichever frequency slot is the #1 Standby slot is the one that gets changed during manual tuning actions on the bottom left knob. If you elected to display 5 Com freqs and touched the 5th slot to make it the #1 standby, then manual tuning via the knob adjusts that 5th slot.
On Connected Panel support, yes, standby. Some stuff will still be coming from us in the not-too-distant future on that one.
VFR Reporting points in Europe are not part of the current Jepp database. It is a high candidate for inclusion on a subsequent release however.
MLX is also a deferred capability. We get how important it is, especially for the non-US/Canada pilots and have it high on our to-do list for follow-on releases.
Terrain Awareness (TA) is not part of any TAWS system but Forward Looking Terrain Awareness (FLTA) is TAWS compliant and is part of a TAWS-B system. So, when the certified TAWS part of the IFD540 is available, that part won't change one bit. The terrain database is a Jepp supplied database and we don't expect it will change or need changing for years, if ever. If it does, it will also be upgradeable via the USB port in the front.
Filtering out the RNP approaches from the Jepp supplied databases was going to be a meaningfully difficult job so they were left in, even though the unit is not RNP compliant at this point. I look at it as the same as an RNP approach plate being included in a paper charts book. Just because it's in the book doesn't necessarily mean you are authorized to fly it.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: drumified
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 11:33am
AviJake wrote:
Terrain Awareness (TA) is not part of any TAWS system but Forward Looking Terrain Awareness (FLTA) is TAWS compliant and is part of a TAWS-B system. So, when the certified TAWS part of the IFD540 is available, that part won't change one bit.
I'm a little confused by this...do you mean that the IFD isn't TAWS-B certified, but contains some of the same features as TAWS-B? I thought this was planned as an initial feature? If not, when can we hope to see our IFDs with TAWS-B?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 1:17pm
The initial release of the IFD540 is not TAWS-B certified. At the outset of the program, it was planned to be in the initial release but was deferred a year or so ago for schedule reasons.
It remains the top IOU we have after the first cert of the product.
For reference, a certified TAWS-B system has:
1. FLTA - this is the biggest element of TAWS and we have a fully compliant version in this release; 2. PDA - this is a Premature Descent Alarm and is essentially an alert that you started descending out of the FAF altitude too soon. This is not in the initial release. 3. Excessive Sink Rate - this alarm is when a high vertical speed in the downward direction is occurring. This is not in the initial release. (Remember that FLTA takes your velocity vector into account and has a buffer above the ground that it will alert you about if it thinks you'll penetrate that safe buffer). 4. Departure Leg Sink - this alarm is during climbout/missed approach when it detects what it thinks is an inappropriate sink instead of the expected climb. This is not in the initial release. 5. 500' altitude call-out. This alarm fires off an aural alert anytime you descend below 500' AGL. This is not in the initial release.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 1:18pm
BTW, how are things in Olathe?
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 1:22pm
Or is it Salem?
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: drumified
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 1:35pm
Thanks for the quick reply, Steve. That's good to hear.
Posted By: drb930
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 1:50pm
Posted By: Paul
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 3:49pm
Is there an e-mail address we can send comments about the pilot manual to, rather than post them all here?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 4:22pm
Yes, sjacobson@avidyne.com
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 6:32pm
Pages 5-6 through 5-9:
I’m a little confused about the Nav source selector knob. Am I correct in understanding that if there
is no active flight plan, the source for your navigation solution is defined by
the knob selection but if you have an active flight plan, the solution is
defined by the leg type and the knob doesn’t do anything?
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 6:38pm
page 5-13, How do I know that all the conditions are met to continue the approach? is the "do not descend" message an advisory that comes up on the display?
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 7:02pm
For the CAS system, there is no mention of aural tones being
generated. I am assuming that’s just an oversight
in the manual. I am also assuming that if the
IFD 540 is properly integrated into the intercom system (AMX 240) then we
should hear caution/warning/advisory tones being generated into our headsets.
Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2013 at 7:18pm
First of all, congrats on a job well done.
Page 1-28 reads, 'The IFD is capable of communicating with several hundred 3rd
party devices. Reference the Installation Manual for a complete
list of devices supported and any hardware/software baseline
As a condition for certification, the IFD is approved for integration
with every piece of equipment the GNS 530 is approved for, plus
some additional equipment beyond what the GNS system is
authorized for.' Am I correct to assume it supports the GMX200, including the Jeppview autoload from the 540 to the GMX (MapMX get around). Also, have the issues with GTX330 transponder been sorted? Thanks, Victor
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 7:02am
In section 2, we talk about SIDs, STARS, approaches, but
there is no mention of airways. I thought
we would be able to build a flight plan by selecting an airway?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 7:40am
Comments keep pouring in and they are all quite helpful. I've started to make the updates and hope I can do them all justice.
To catch up on the latest round of questions:
The Nav Source knob controls the source of the deviation data being transmitted out of the IFD to other devices like CDIs, HSIs, autopilots, etc. So, if you select GPS but have no active GPS flight plan, there is no deviation to output and so the other cockpit indicators would see an invalid flag on them. Make sense?
There is no "Do Not Descend" CAS message. I'll try to clean up the intent of the paragraph.
As for aurals, we recorded almost a hundred and they are stored in the IFD but a small subset of them are being used right now. I think I'll add a table to PG that specifically calls out the ones that are being used. As long as the IFD is wired to an audio panel (including the AMX240) that can take in unswitched/unmuted audio input, then yes, aurals will be heard over the headset.
Victor, I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean by MapMx work-around. We were successful in reverse engineering the MapMx protocol and have it working on the GMX200 and MX20. Do you want to supply us very specific tests and expected results on the GMX200/MX20 to include pictures and we can send actual results back to you for an interesting validation?
As for 330 transponder integration, we do NOT have a certifiable ADS-B solution using a combined IFD540 and 330ES transponder at this time and I don't have a lot of optimism that will improve soon or possibly ever.
As for building flight plans using airways, yes, that is definitely in the 540 and I'll improve the PG to make that very clear. I've flown the test bird to FL from MA a few times in the last few months and I build the entire route in a few seconds (basically just ride V-3 all the way down the east coast).
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 8:24am
Sorry, bad choice of words. I meant were you able to reverse engineer the MapMx. I am mainly interested in the ability to autoload the particular Jepp chart on the GMX200 once say for example an RNAV approach is loaded into the IFD540.
Sounds like its all good. In fact, very good!!
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 9:28am
"The Nav Source knob controls the source of the deviation data being transmitted out of the IFD to other devices like CDIs, HSIs, autopilots, etc. So, if you select GPS but have no active GPS flight plan, there is no deviation to output and so the other cockpit indicators would see an invalid flag on them. Make sense?" Not really, but I realize it’s not design review time. So for my simple mind, if I want to use the IFD 540 like a Nav radio and not a not enter a flight plan, I would select the CDI switch to VLOC and just fly from VOR to VOR. If I enter a fly plan, whether the navigation source is GPS based or VHF based, then there is nothing I need to do and the IFD 540 will handle the switching for me.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 9:51am
Victor, let me double check that capability in the lab on Monday. I have seen the flight plans and related stuff all correctly appear via the MapMx protocol but I think you're asking if the IFD540 will tell the GMX200 and MX20 to pull up a specific chart. If so, I'm skeptical.
Tony, for your Nav radio - CDI, VOR to VOR example yes, it behaves as you suggest. Same is true for your flight plan example in that if you enter a flight plan that may be a combination of GPS waypoints and VHF-based navaids, there is no manual switching you need to do with the Nav Source knob. But that's not to say the Nav source will auto switch back and forth between GPS and VLOC along the route of flight. It will stay in GPS but it is auto tuning VORs in the background. If that same flight plan ends in a VHF-based approach (like a localizer or ILS), then the Nav source will auto arm so it's showing GPS --> VLOC and then auto switch to pure VLOC at the appropriate point on the approach. Any clearer?
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 11:01am
I have a feeling it should work. I just copied the following from the GMX200 PG:
AutoLoad Electronic Charts
'This is only available when installed with a GPS
navigator that supports the MapMX communication
protocol (e.g., GNS 480 series). This feature must be
disabled when the GMX 200 is connected to a GPS
navigator that does not support the MapMX communication protocol. It allows the GPS navigator to instruct
the GMX 200 to load a selected approach chart.' As it has been reverse engineered and your comment, 'flight plans and related stuff all correctly appear via the MapMx protocol', am I correct to assume the IFD540 supports MapMX communication protocol? Also, the autoload is enabled in the GMX200 systems page, not in the GPS. Victor
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 1:03pm
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 5:55pm
A few questions, and a few comments.
In the absence of an IFR approach to a airport I will commonly set OBS with the Airport as the active waypoint (at the ARP), and set the course to that of the planned runway. Great for general orientation ...
Q. It did mention that you could not OBS to a waypoint inside the FAF when on an approach, but it wasn't clear if you could use your destination to OBS if NOT on an IFR approach. Can you?
Q. Can you halt the sequencing through an OBS'd waypoint, and prevent it from transitioning to GPS guidance further along on the next route segment?
Q. The fuel timer callout, when does that start timing, on takeoff?
Q. It is too bad that you can't have BOTH block and air times/total times, on the timers, or can you?
I really like that it will ensure that your NAV is ID'd and cross referenced to the approach in use, before it will allow transition to LOC.
Also being able to tune in a VOR/LOC by its phonetic is a nice touch, as is the auto-tuning of the next VOR on the route.
And being able to display an airway routing both in full (all waypoints) and in compact view (significant waypoints only) is very powerful.
The choice of both HEADING UP & TRACK UP is intriguing.
Your intelligent use of the LSKs is so much better than the big scrolling menus. BTW, LSK might well be an unfamiliar term to small aircraft guys -- I'd be sure to explain that "Line Select Key" is just another name for a "Soft Key". Maybe use a breakout NOTE for it. Done. That said, I would still suggest you DO use LSK in the docs, I like it hinting at big plane FMS lingo.
To that end, you might consider adding the ability to close a discontinuity by selecting a waypoint, and removing part of a route, by inserting that selected waypoint and the rest of the trailing flightplan higher up in the flightplan. Yes, you can do the same thing with multiple CLRs, or a DCT to a waypoint further in the routing, but this would be an elegant FMS type feature to bring in.
Q. Very little mention of the powerful altitude constraint functionality in the docs, and no mention of the Boeing Banana -- that will be included in first release, will it not?
Reading through the manual, just makes me want it more.
Q. Any word when the simulator software may appear? Hopefully that predates initial shipping, if only by a little bit.
* Orest
Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2013 at 5:58pm
+1 on the simulator
------------- David Gates
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 9:18am
Reference Orest's questions from 7 Dec:
Can you use OBS on a destination if no active approach? Yes. In that case, the leg to the airport is just like any other leg so you can do OBS to the airport.
Can you halt the sequencing through an OBS'd waypoint, and prevent it from transitioning to GPS guidance further along on the next route segment? As long as you set up the OBS so that it's a "TO" course, the sequence will happen and cannot be disabled (halted). If you dial it so that the geometry is "FROM", then you won't sequence.
The fuel timer callout, when does that start timing, on takeoff? I'm not sure which one you are asking about. If you are referring to the switch tanks alert, that timer starts at power on. If you are talking about estimated fuel at waypoint/destination displays in the flight plan or calculators, then it relies on fuel flow and FMS calculated time to that point. If I didn't answer the real question, please clarify.
It is too bad that you can't have BOTH block and air times/total times, on the timers, or can you? No, there is no capability for that. I hadn't thought of that capability until you mentioned it here and just added it to our system for candidate feature adds. Very little mention of the powerful altitude constraint functionality in the docs, and no mention of the Boeing Banana -- that will be included in first release, will it not? Will look to add more description in the manual. As for the Boeing Banana feature, I think you are referring to the Range to Climb arc which indicates the predicted point of reaching your altitude pre-select value. If so, that is NOT in this release. We have it in R9 but that's in conjunction with the VNAV capability of our DFC100 autopilot. We view it as needing to know current vertical speed and in R9 we use the air data supplied VS. We elected not to use GPS derived vertical speed in this release because if you are not in autopilot vertical speed mode (or something similar) then that range-to-climb arc tends to breakdance all over the display. Unlike a true integrated flight deck, the IFD540 does not know what autopilot mode you happen to be in.
Any word when the simulator software may appear? Yes, it will be available prior to shipping the certified units, at least the Apple-compatible version. As I have noted in other threads, we've had the Apple compatible version running for more than a year and now are working to get it on the Apple store for mass downloads.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 10:12am
I would not have thought the IFD540 needs to know what autopilot mode you are in. For example, the VNAV feature in a simple Garmin 295 handheld you input when you want top of descent (the rate say 500 fpm has already been inputted by default previously in the systems menu) and when that time comes, it tells you when to start the descent. You adjust the autopilot accordingly to descent at 500 fpm.
Re the GMX200. Show the lab guys the statement from the GMX200 PG. I guess it will come down to whether the IFD540 now supports the MapMX communication protocol through reverse engineering. It will be interesting to read their opinion.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 10:27am
We do have the Top of Descent feature in the IFD540 (see page 2-14 of the PG) but we do not have Range to Climb in this release.
I have seen the MX20 overlaying charts on map for VOR approaches via the MapMx protocol. I'm pretty sure that it will do the same with RNAV and ILS/LOC approaches but I will run that test myself on Monday just to be certain. (Note I'm doing this on the MX20 since we no longer have a functional GMX200).
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 10:30am
page1-16: could you define why you have two circuit breakers and what the purpose of each one is?
Posted By: rumbles
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 11:31am
Looks great overall. A few comments:
P1-24: isn't '5' a valid entry? Didn't the guide say earlier that the 1 could be omitted?P1-27: refers to Dual Preview mode but it has not yet been introduced or explained (perhaps include a forward refrence) P2-4: the description of scroll bar does not seem to correspond to image above
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 1:45pm
Thanks for the quick, thorough replies. I've broken this out to several threads, as this one is getting a bit long on tooth.
* Orest
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2013 at 2:03pm
Two circuit breakers mirror that of the Garmin 530 that many of these units are replacing. The Install Manual provides all the details on what signals each CB covers. In excessively simplistic terms, one is for Nav and one is for Com. One is 10 amps and one is 5 amps.
Rumbles, you can drop the leading 1 but 15x.xx is not in the valid com frequency range, hence the message.
I'll incorporate improvements in these suggestions too. Thanks for the input.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2013 at 9:38am
On page 1-11 it describes how a custom display format can be set up on the IFD540 to display the active com and up to four standby com frequencies. If the IFD540 is integrated with the AMX240, and the montor feature is selected on the audio panel (so that you can listen to the standby) what is going to be heard by the pilot with four different frequecines being defined as standby?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2013 at 9:57am
Only one of those frequencies is defined as the #1 Standby and highlighted as such. So, whichever freq is tagged as your #1 Standby is the freq that is heard on the standby audio panel selection.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2013 at 10:06am
Victor, I just checked the chart overlays on the MX20 in the lab this morning and all works great via the MapMx protocol. By that I mean, when an approach is active in the IFD540, then the appropriate chart automatically gets called up and displayed on the MX20. This is true for all approach types.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Victor
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2013 at 1:52pm
I just knew it would :) Thanks Steve for letting me know and to the lab guy/s who made this a possibility. No doubt a lot of work and patience put into it.
Posted By: TogaDriver
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2013 at 2:27pm
VTF is used on 1-20 but not defined until much later in the doc. If there's room just use Vectors-To-Final and the reader will understand VTF after that. On the 530/430 series I almost never use VTF because it wipes out the step-down, IAP, and most other fixes that ATC sends you to after they're gone from the flight plan.
Does the IFD preserve those fixes if you do select VTF?
Looking forward to the sim on my iPad. Used iPads are cheap. Unless Avidyne coded the iPad app in a cross-dev product like Titanium or Unity it's not coming for Android anytime soon.
Posted By: TurboPA30
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2013 at 6:00am
AviJake wrote:
Victor, I just checked the chart overlays on the MX20 in the lab this morning and all works great via the MapMx protocol. By that I mean, when an approach is active in the IFD540, then the appropriate chart automatically gets called up and displayed on the MX20. This is true for all approach types.
Now THAT is good news. How does it play with Avidyne's own EX600/5000?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2013 at 4:16pm
Hi all,
I've just posted an updated IFD540 Pilot Guide draft. This one is dated 13 December 2013. The same link as last time still works:
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
I've added about 20 pages of content to the doc based on all the feedback I've received to date.
I did NOT attempt to fix the formatting/pagination woes yet - I'll be saving that for the last step. As a result, internal hyperlinking from the TOCs and Index is not yet functional. Other known to-dos are highlighted in yellow in the pdf
Another action item I have is to ensure all the images are high res so if you are pinch zooming the electronic version, the image stays crisp.
Please let me know if you have any other feedback.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2013 at 10:22pm
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 4:57pm
just a couple of quick commemts on the revision one of the users manual. on page 2-25. the last paragraph talks about staying ahead of the aircraft by using the wind vector but its not talked about prior. I assume this is the wind vector that is described on page 4-26? might be nice to have a picture and describe how the data for winds is generated. Is it an algorithm that runs which will continually look at side slip for the flight an estimate magnitude and direction? on page 2-21 I think you should add a picture showing a split screen on page 2-25 In the weather section, I would add a reference to section 3-12 on page 3-12 I know that this might get into your product development plans and competitive advantage issues but I sure would like to know if the system will be able to parse through the FIS-B data and populate some fields so I don't have to continually feed the data hungry addict. You guys have done a really nice job. When can I get a preliminary ICD so I can start planning out my cockpit integration? Most shops aren't going to know how to integrate this thing and take advantage all off the thought that went into the design.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 7:24pm
Thank you Tony (and those of you who sent direct emails) for comments so far on the 13 Dec variant.
To directly address Tony's comments/questions:
Wind Vector comment against page 2-15: good point. Just added some content on page 2-15 to address this.
Split page picture request page 2-21: Agreed. Picture just added for next update.
Weather section part of page 2-125: Agreed. Picture just added for next update.
FIS-B request - I will stay silent on that for now but I'm seriously contemplating directly addressing the request. (Need to get over today's Patriots loss and Giants loss first....)
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 15 Dec 2013 at 7:26pm
Oh, and on the ICD request, yah, I should be able to post a draft of the Install Manual soon. It's an active back & forth right now with the FAA on that one so I may wait until that churn slows down a little.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2013 at 8:26am
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2013 at 9:22am
ICD = Interface Control Document.
It's a bit of misnomer here. A real ICD is a lower level (more technically detailed) doc that defines the communication (and other things like power) protocols that allow two devices to communicate properly.
I interpreted Tony's request to be more of an Install Manual request so that installers know how/what to wire and how to configure the other devices (ARINC429 vs RS232 for example) to talk to/from the IFD540. Our Install Manual does contain setup information and what signals go to what pins.
Happily, most installers will be very familiar with that sort of stuff since it's plug and play with the Garmin 530s meaning the type of wiring they've done for the past 15 years is the same.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: tony
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2013 at 10:41am
Install manual would be awesome. Thank you. Now that I'm on a roll, any chance of posting the install manual for the 240 and 340 as well?
Posted By: ddgates
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2013 at 10:42am
Pardon the ignorance.
If one wishes to prepare for the IFD540 release (assuming he/she is early on the release list) - would it be beneficial to obtain a GNS 530 install tray and migrate the connectors, or wait for Avidyne's install kit?
------------- David Gates
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2013 at 3:13pm
Tony, 540 Install Manual may go up later this week. Same for the AXP340 (Transponder). The AMP240 (Audio Panel) can be found at:
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/audio.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/audio.asp
David, Yes, installing a 530 tray now would clearly save some time. We have an install kit (not yet released) that does all the same thing. I think it's $500. One important note, if you go the 530 tray route now, be sure to have your installer include the TAWS wiring to the audio panel. That way you will get the Forward Looking Terrain Alerting aurals in your headset from the 540.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: wsh
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2013 at 4:16am
Dear Steve
As my Commander is in the shop anyway I contacted them with the question wether they could prewire the 530 bracket already..
They came back with the following reply:
Is the IFD-540 TAWS-B certified? Is TAWS-B included in the certification? Usually there should also be an external annunciator with Taws-B?
In other words he was not willing to prewire anything.
Now I am a total dodo in this field so maybe you can help me? I ordered 2 IFD540's without Taws-B .. however I believe there is a terrain warning in the system anyway. I presume that this system will give an audio warning as well? As the IFD540 will go in the 530 bracket I presume the wiring will be identical to the 530? I would appreciate it if you can give the shop and me some guidance?
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2013 at 7:05pm
Hi Willem,
The initial release of the IFD540 does not contain certified TAWS but, it does contain a feature called Forward Looking Terrain Alerting (FLTA). FLTA is one element of TAWS but not the only sub-feature that defines TAWS.
FLTA does contain aural alerts and they are identical to the certified TAWS aurals. But, in order to hear those aurals in your headset, you need to ensure the pin that supplies G530 TAWS aurals is wired to the airplane audio panel. For those customers who had G-530 TAWS, they already have that wire installed. For those who didn't, they should add that wire between the 530/540 tray and the audio panel exactly as it is spelled out in the G530 installation manual.
Clear enough or do you/they need more info?
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2013 at 10:46am
Last night I went through the setup chapter of the IFD guide and began to think about how I might like to setup a dual IFD540 setup in my aircraft which has traditional steam gauges. I think Steve and crew have done an outstanding job at providing configuration flexibility. I used a screen capture tool to cut and paste various images from the pilot guide into an Excel spreadsheet to give me an idea of what it might look like. I'm super pleased. Here is what I came up with.
Edit: I figured out how to post an embedded image.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2013 at 1:03pm
Another version (20 Dec 2013) of the IFD540 Pilot Guide just posted at same location:
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
Added more content and pictures to help illustrate some areas that folks were asking about. Fixed some, but not all, pagination issues. Added links to the Wx Datalink products and external devices we connect to.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2013 at 1:23pm
I have to tell you, that after the opportunity to paw a development 540 myself, and since reading through the docs (now three times), I am getting even more excited about the after-Holidays excitement coming my way!
Can't wait for the simulator software as well.
* Orest
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2013 at 1:42pm
The manual is great. Many thanks for posting & inc feedback. I have a few questions: 1) On p1-8 under POWER CONTROL it states "IFD will automatically start when the aircraft bus power is applied". Do you really mean "avionics bus"? In my C172, avionics is on a separate bus from the electrical tach, AI, etc. 2) I have a WX-500 connected to my GNS430, and there is a page to show the info, clear strike info, & config display on the map page. I haven't yet found any info in the IFD manual on this setup. Is it coming in a later draft? 3) I am able to define multiple flt plns on my computer (eg when planning a 10 day trip) and then transfer them to the Garmin via data card. Same applies to user waypoint creation (many) & transfer of them to the Garmin within a flt pln file without any actual pln. Can this also be done with the IFD via USB slot? Garmin provides computer software to write flt planning software output in Garmin fmt to the data card via data card writing hardware. Is there Avidyne software to do this function on the computer, but translating to USB data fmt? 4) the manual only mentions US obstacle data. Is obstacle data not available outside the US? 5) I assume nav & chart data are supplied by Jepp. Does this mean the Jepp pgm I now use to write nav data to my Garmin's data card can also be used to write IFD nav & chart data to the Avidyne USB fob? Are nav & chart data separate subscriptions? Can both be written to the same fob so only one fob is needed to update both?
------------- Vince
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2013 at 6:05pm
Sorry, pls ignore 5). I must have been asleep after 200pp of reading ... All q under 5) answered on pp7-22 to 7-25.
------------- Vince
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2013 at 6:22pm
On p7-17, power distribution, is the draw (4/8A) for a 12/14V system (i.e. 2/4A for a 24/28V system)? Vince
------------- Vince
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2013 at 10:19am
Hi Vince,
Avionics vs Aircraft bus: In most aircraft, yes, it's the avionics bus but I intentionally genericized it because there are some "non-conventional" aircraft out there. In your case, it's definitely the avionics bus.
WX500 - There is some setup stuff on this in the Install Manual. The operational user side is in the PG, specifically it's on page 3-15 of the Pilot Guide under the Wx Overlay section.
Multiple Flight Plans and Data Transfer - the IFD540 does support multiple flight plans BUT, the first release will not support making those flight plans off-board and then importing them into the IFD540 via USB fob or other method. Of course, building a flight plan on the IFD540 is way easier than on a 430/530 so the time savings realized by building many off-board and then importing them into a 540 via the external link is trivial when compared to the time and hassle savings of doing the same on a 430/530.
Geographic span of obstacle database - we're using a global data base for obstacles so anything that's part of the database worldwide and more than 200' AGL will be included. I'll edit the manual to make that clearer. (page 7-24)
Power Distribution - I'll make that clearer in the Pilot Guide. The system pulls approximately 1.8 A (rounded up to 2A) for 28V aircraft and double that for 14V aircraft. Max load (VHF transmit at 16W) is approximately 4A for 28V aircraft and 8A for 14V aircraft.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 28 Dec 2013 at 5:50pm
On pp 3-9/3-10 re info pop-up boxes, do they disappear after a fixed time? Is there a way to manually make one disappear quicker (once needed info has been noted ... Eg double tap, single tap just pages thru pp)? Vince
------------- Vince
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2013 at 9:09am
Hi Vince,
Good catch. I'll make an edit to the PG to reflect the missing info.
As for the specific question, the map popup boxes do timeout on their own after 20 seconds and they can be dismissed by tapping anywhere else on the display outside of the box.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: chflyer
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2013 at 9:25pm
More feedback on the UG ...
The description of the SYS tab starting on page 4-42 raises a few questions: - FUEL MANAGEMENT is ok if my assumption is correct that that the presence of the Fuel Mgmt LSK is independent of the L4 "Select" LSK. - SYSTEM STATUS - this is where it starts to get a bit fuzzy for me. As a multi-state LSK, the Select LSK is shown consecutively with "Software", "Databases", "GPS", and "Datalink" values, each with a description and screenshot of the associated page. So far so good. However, on p 4-44 there is a statement that pressing the LSK when "Databases" is displayed will put the IFD into Maintenance Mode for database updates. This seems to contradict a) the premise that pressing the LSK while in "Databases" will toggle to the next state (GPS) and b) the update process as described on p 7-24 which uses the SETUP tab rather than the SYS tab, although this isn't mentioned in Section 4 where the SETUP tab is described. - Skipping to Section 7, a similar statement is made on p 7-26, that pressing this Select LSK while in "Software" and the system is not in-air, a "Download Logs" LSK is presented. Do I conclude correctly, therefore, that pressing the Select LSK when not in-air and showing Software or Databases, it will then toggle to the Logs or Update tab respectively on the same Maintenance Mode page shown on p 7-27 (logs tab via "Download Logs" LSK & Confirm/Cancel LSKs)? An additional screenshot of Maintenance mode with Update tab selected in the DATA UPDATES section would make this a bit clearer, but the apparent contradictions needs to be explained away somehow. - On page 4-15 there is a recommendation to back up checklists by downloading them onto USB fobs, with the procedures supplied later in the manual. Could you indicate where these are located? I have been unable to find them. - a general comment: It might make more sense to include the DATA UPDATES and DATALOGS DOWNLOAD information in the AUX section where first mentioned, as well as the info on checklist downloading. An alternative would be to have a separate MAINTENANCE MODE section in the General chapter, which covers updating as well as datalog and checklist downloading all as sub-sections.
------------- Vince
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2014 at 6:49pm
Reference the Fuel Mgmt question - yes, it is completely independent from the L4 LSK.
Reference System Status - yes, I agree that those descriptions needed improvement. I updated the pictures in the PG a few days ago that does a much better job of showing the various LSKs. By way of preview right here, when the Databases selection is made, an extra LSK pops up that when pressed, presents a confirmation LSK and if confirmed by you, then jumps to Mx Mode. So, in summary, I've made some edits to the PG that hopefully clears this up. You'll see that in the next rev I post.
Reference Checklist backup method, I forgot to include that in the last version posted and have since added a section to the next rev that describes how to do it.
Thanks for the comments/questions.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2014 at 4:10pm
14 Jan 2014 Update version just uploaded to same link. Should have all the comments supplied above addressed.
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: oskrypuch
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2014 at 6:14pm
Thanks, grabbing it. Perhaps the final!
* Orest
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2014 at 8:38pm
Not exactly final. I still have a few pagination things to fix and you'll see a few notes to self in yellow about getting better pix plus the lawyers still have to finish their treatment but I think this all the content I plan to put in.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2014 at 11:50am
Updated IFD540 Pilot Guide just posted in same spot. Edits made throughout the book. All known pagination issues fixed. Blessed by lawyers.
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
Updated IM expected in the next day or less.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2014 at 3:53pm
I think there is a copy and paste error on page 2-35. Under the rad/rad waypoint, it talks about entering coordinates similar to lat/long from just above. I assume it should talk about selecting navaids and radials. It looks like the same copy and paste error for rad/dist.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2014 at 4:22pm
Thank you Brou.
I've just posted a new version (Rev 00-C) at
http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp" rel="nofollow - http://www.avidyne.com/support/downloads/ifd-series.asp
Changes from Rev 00-B include:
Small formatting edits throughout
pg 2-6 Vector SID Note added
pg 2-18 Enroute Descent and TOD text changed
pg 2-34 Cleaned up wording on user waypoints
pg 5-7 OBS section enhanced
pg 5-13 New Tips and techniques box
pg 6-8 New caution added
pg 6-31 thru 6-34 Datalogs enhanced - added Configuration
Inside Back Cover - FCC approval
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: brou0040
Date Posted: 07 Mar 2014 at 7:57pm
Sure, for another one...
I'm having a hard time with the wording of the Cool Feature - Fuel Range Ring.
To me, range with reserve is always less than range without reserve. Range without reserve means where I run out of gas and is further than when I still have reserve gas in the tanks. The picture shows a dashed green line (maximum range without reserve) that has a smaller diameter than the solid green line (max range allowing a 45 minute reserve) so these seem backwards to me.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2014 at 11:43am
You are the 2nd person to say they are confused by that wording. I'll clean up the text by adding a word that should hopefully fix the confusion.
So, the text will now read (added word in bold underline here for highlighting): "The dashed green circle indicates the total maximum range without using the reserve. A wider solid green circle indicates the extra range the reserve fuel should provide."
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: Gring
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2014 at 11:52am
I'm the other person that was confused by the picture. I would expect the range without using reserves would be much closer to the range with using reserves, and not so close to the departure airport. The picture looks like it is from a very fast airplane (jet) that took off with very little usable fuel. Maybe it is just the scaling of the picture.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2014 at 11:57am
Agreed. I will update the picture in Rev 00-D too. I do look at it on every sortie and know that the actual representation in-flight is much more usable and intuitive than the PG image.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: BobsV35B
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2014 at 10:27pm
I have a question concerning the install manual.
I note that the manual has some very specific antenna location guidance that is much more restrictive than was the 'W' version of the Garmin 530. My antennas were installed using those Garmin requirements and they work fine with the 530W. Will I be able to get the "slide out, slide in" approval for the 540 even though my antennas are not in the positions specified for the new IFD 540 install manual?
Happy Skies,
Old Bob
------------- Old Bob, Ancient Aviator
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 09 Mar 2014 at 1:35pm
Hi Bob,
That's a good question and not one I have an immediate answer for. We'll look into it on Monday.
I'll make a new post here with any updates.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 9:52am
Hi Bob,
Looked into this a little bit. Bottom line first - no relief in the data/guidance as published in the draft IFD540 IM.
A little more color......we're governed by among other things, AC 20-138C. That's the 4th revision of the Advisory Circular that covers GPS (and antenna) installations and each has gotten more and more directive. Rev C came out on 8 May 2012 and that's the one we fall under. Rev B was 27 Sep 2010, Rev A was 22 Dec 2003 and the original came out on 25 May 1994.
In addition, as noted in the Plug & Play section of the IFD540 draft Pilot Guide (around page 6-37), I include a note about how we claim to be P & P compatible with the 530 that corresponds to Rev C of Garmin IM 190-00357-08 and I just peeked at that version and saw the equivalent set of GPS antenna guidance that we have in the IFD540 IM.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: DaveM
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 10:08am
I was reading the section about fuel data. I did not see any mention of FF per engine for those of us with twins. Can you confirm that info will display?
------------- DaveM
Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 10:34am
AviJake wrote:
Hi Bob,
Looked into this a little bit. Bottom line first - no relief in the data/guidance as published in the draft IFD540 IM.
A little more color......we're governed by among other things, AC 20-138C. That's the 4th revision of the Advisory Circular that covers GPS (and antenna) installations and each has gotten more and more directive. Rev C came out on 8 May 2012 and that's the one we fall under. Rev B was 27 Sep 2010, Rev A was 22 Dec 2003 and the original came out on 25 May 1994.
In addition, as noted in the Plug & Play section of the IFD540 draft Pilot Guide (around page 6-37), I include a note about how we claim to be P & P compatible with the 530 that corresponds to Rev C of Garmin IM 190-00357-08 and I just peeked at that version and saw the equivalent set of GPS antenna guidance that we have in the IFD540 IM.
Well, *that's* gonna catch a fair number of folks by surprise, including me. When I was sold this box, it was with the claim that it was a slide-in replacement...there was no asterisk with fine print saying "if you're compliant with the most recent antenna install requirements".
I guess I'm going to have to do some digging to see if I've got some surprise extra install costs coming.
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 10:37am
I'll take a look at the twin engine fuel flow story.
The P&P equivalency version of the IM came out in June 2010.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: MysticCobra
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 10:48am
AviJake wrote:
The P&P equivalency version of the IM came out in June 2010.
Where was that posted? The first IM I ever saw was the draft announced in this thread.
Might be nice if you update question 72 in the FAQ: "If I've already done the WAAS modification to my aircraft, will it work as is in IFD540/440? (Updated 5 July 2012)" A: Yes, it will. We have engineered our WAAS solution to use the exact same antennas as those in the 530W/430W installations. Therefore, you are able to leave the WAAS antennas, mounting, and coax all in place, saving several thousands of dollars of installation expense.
Posted By: BobsV35B
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 3:33pm
Good Afternoon Steve I read through the 2.5.1 section of the Garmin Install Manual.
My opinion is that I can convince any reasonable person that the position of my antennas is within the intent of the guidance. It is one of those "How do I explain this at the hearing?" type of situations. We will just have to see if I can convince my installer of the validity of my interpretation. <G> Happy Skies, Old Bob
------------- Old Bob, Ancient Aviator
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 7:34pm
Sounds good Bob.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 7:40pm
The FAQ update is a good idea. I'll get that updated on Tuesday to be more clear.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 7:44pm
The Fuel Flow data block and Fuel Used data block will both reflect the data coming from the fuel flow system you have installed. For twins, most systems will send both left, right and total. We use the total value. So, fuel flow should be a summed value of both fuel flows in a Twin. Fuel used should also be a summed total.
That was a good point wrt the Pilot Guide and I'll make an edit right now to clarify that it is the summed total as supplied by the fuel flow system.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com
Posted By: DaveM
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2014 at 10:26pm
I am disappointed. My existing GPS (GX60) shows fuel burn per engine plus total burn, fuel remaining and range. Would it make a difference that I have a ADC 200 air data box?
It might seem like a small item but I don't have a digital FF gauge and I use the info to fine tune the fuel burn.
------------- DaveM
Posted By: AviJake
Date Posted: 11 Mar 2014 at 7:38am
It wouldn't make a difference to the IFD540 what fuel flow system is connected (assuming it's one of the supported list) with respect to being able to display individual engine fuel flows.
I did however add some new datablocks (individual engine fuel flows) to the candidate list for future software releases.
------------- Steve Jacobson sjacobson@avidyne.com